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  1. I

    Leaves turning red starting with lower ones - reddening leaves

    Hey. I'm about a few weeks into flowering growth. She is getting only natural light (it's winter so not very much). I only add water, no nutrients, but they were planted in a nutrient enriched soil (home depot / scott's) that claims to release nutes for months. I don't think it can be a nute...
  2. I

    Some problems with my young-un

    I'm surprised nobody replied to this yet. I just wanna say I'm a total novice who's two weeks into my first grow right now, BUT that really looks like an over-watering problem based on the info in the stickies. You said that the dude drenched them when you got them + drooping like that - it...
  3. I

    my babies are sick please help

    I THINK I SOLVED IT!! I'm pretty sure I figured out the problem. I put a thermometer in the grow space and it was 110*F !!! Wow! The moral of the story is don't assume anything - always check! Anyways, thanks guys. Hey guys. You all seem very knowledgeable so I hope you can please help me...