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  1. welshwizzard

    First Ever Grow: UK, Amnesia Haze;WW Bubblegum;x3White Fya;Sleestack 600W

    Nice man, Ive kept my ties on still, keeping them tied for another week at least, trying to prevent that straightening up. Look ace man, they gonna go mental now flipped!
  2. welshwizzard

    The UK Growers Thread!

    CFL's / T5 are amazing for the first week or two. For me anyway, after a week, onto 600MH then 2 x 600MH. MH / HPS is the best way man. Places keep pushing those dual spectrum bulbs. Not into them!
  3. welshwizzard

    First time solo. First time journal. SinMint and LA Confidential

    Put the love in and you'll get it all back. LA is a very forgiving strain man, and always super high quality at the end. Get some snaps of yours pal? Did you train or top yours at all? Or going Christmas tree style?
  4. welshwizzard

    First time solo. First time journal. SinMint and LA Confidential

    Just gone into second week of flower man. I love that sage oniony funk. I have one which smells like bold washing powder. Not long left for you now man! You do a log of it?
  5. welshwizzard

    Club 600

    I went straight from paper towel to MH 600, take a look at my sig. Doing alright now!
  6. welshwizzard

    Club 600

    Topping will most def help with the hight issues, check out uncle bens method on here. It does work. Also you can try bending / LST training if high is an issue, its not that hard, just use string and clip them over. I think you may struggle at 4 weeks for cuts. 6, maybe. Depends how dialled...
  7. welshwizzard

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Give them a bit more time, if no roots by 2 week I'd be a little concerned.
  8. welshwizzard

    Welcome New Members!

    I use coco so I sprinkle a teaspoon over the top and water through when feeding. Its pure Magnesium, they love it. Helps if you have Calmag issues as I'm sure Cal Mag solutions are 2/1 cal/mag.
  9. welshwizzard

    Just saw a tiny white fly in my grow tent (UK) what do I do PLS HELP

    Chill, if it was just one fly it may not be an issue! could have come in from anywhere. I use Neem oil once a week, spray the underside of leaves, every bit of the plant. Its a preventative and cure for early invasions.
  10. welshwizzard

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I assume you did not pre charge the cubes before? I soak in Rhizotonic first to give it that initial push. It can take 10 days or more for roots to form man.
  11. welshwizzard

    Club 600

    Also bear in mind it may take your seedlings a fair bit longer than 4 weeks to get to a stage where you can get multiple clones.
  12. welshwizzard

    First Ever Grow: UK, Amnesia Haze;WW Bubblegum;x3White Fya;Sleestack 600W

    Prper christmas tree effect. Have a look on my sig and you'll see how I've bent and topped mine.
  13. welshwizzard

    First Ever Grow: UK, Amnesia Haze;WW Bubblegum;x3White Fya;Sleestack 600W

    Looking good man considering you have used a hps bulb for vegging. I used 1 MH 600, then added another MH 600 until they could handle 2 MH's. Keep the MH's for 18/6 lights only and change to HPS 600's when go into flower. We have a lack of cal naturally in our water round here so have to...
  14. welshwizzard

    Gas man is coming round!!!!!!!

    So you reckon an hour without the fans would do irreparable damage? I dont think so. Either way, this guy has a conundrum. I never set up where I'm sleeping, to avoid these sorts of problems.
  15. welshwizzard

    Welcome New Members!

    I always supplement with cal mag and epsom salts, cal mag should be fine, mine are on 4ml per 5l. A bit less that the bottle says.
  16. welshwizzard

    Gas man is coming round!!!!!!!

    Lights and fans off for an hour or so. If you have neem oil, spray them with that. The plants will be fine with no air movement for an hour or so. No fans should mean very little smell unless you are at the end of flower.
  17. welshwizzard

    What Are You Listening To?

    The Doors Greatest Hits album
  18. welshwizzard

    Welcome New Members!

    Those yellow and brown bits always make me think Cal Mag before anything else pal.
  19. welshwizzard

    Grow Calander Just go half strength on this guide if using coco. Obviously only use what you are, not the full range.
  20. welshwizzard

    Mg - missing in action!

    I'm in Coco and use Cal mag mixed in feed and a Tea spoon of Epsom salts sprinkled over the top and washed through with feed. Probably irrelevant if you are not coco though. If you have 2 weeks left wont you be flushing shortly? Is it worth adding now as you are so close to the end?