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  1. Katatawnic

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    I've not heard of Lucas formula. As far as the cloning, yes... every book, guide, tutorial, etc., I've come across says to cut the stem at a 45* angle and most say to snip the end vertically a bit. I do believe it's hogwash, however, only because I've been taking cuttings since I was about 7 or...
  2. Katatawnic

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    Does sound weird, but quite interesting too. :D
  3. Katatawnic

    Prop 215 Grow 1.2

    Hmmm... I don't look like a baby with a bandanna on its head and joint in its mouth yet, so I must be OK. :lol: Have you wanted to die, too? UGH! I didn't want to kill myself, but I'd have happily welcomed death over what I was going through this weekend! Take care of you, and count your...
  4. Katatawnic

    How To LST (Low Stress Training)
  5. Katatawnic

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    Too bad... so sad... :lol: ;) :mrgreen:
  6. Katatawnic

    Zen master's northern light-n-blue venom grow journal

    I've always hated that word, and any like it. Probably more than anything because my dad was the poster example of racist, and I hated that... it was one of his favorite words. I live in a ghetto (truly!), and hear it tossed around constantly and carelessly. By blacks more so than whites, which...
  7. Katatawnic

    Prop 215 Grow 1.2

    Uh... I don't know enough about cfm, nor HPS, to give advice to anyone. :mrgreen: Sorry, but you're better off without my input! And you're not bugging!!! ;) Still no success RE: photos. :cuss: I'm looking into image editors that are compatible with Ubuntu, so that I can resize. :roll: You...
  8. Katatawnic

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Most often I see people not posting what they've done wrong in the forums. It can be awfully embarrassing... I know first hand. ;) Takes some guts to openly list the mistakes we made, doesn't it? :D
  9. Katatawnic

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    :clap: :lol: :hump:
  10. Katatawnic

    Are MMJ patients paying illegal prices?

    Who's willing to bet that the protests won't be so "peaceful" when this happens?! There's gonna be a huge number of very angry MMJ patients in droves! :evil: So in other words, this "class" they held was really just a briefing on how and when to raid all the MMJ suppliers. :cuss:
  11. Katatawnic

    Zen master's northern light-n-blue venom grow journal

    WOW... sweet, Zen! :clap: I second DST on all that space. :mrgreen:
  12. Katatawnic

    Obama wins a Nobel Peace Prize

    Gee CJ, you just keep proving those posing what a jerk you are so right, don't ya? :hug:
  13. Katatawnic

    Obama wins a Nobel Peace Prize

    Where one lives aside, let's face it... the more ill one is, the less likely one is able to grow. I'm barely able to do it now, and looking at how rapidly the pain and other symptoms have been increasing, there's no doubt that my growing days are numbered. How long, I don't know yet... could...
  14. Katatawnic

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    I noticed the "hiding something" part right off, but didn't bother commenting on it because it's going to be automatically construed as whatever the reader wants to interpret. ;) I'd love to know why the hell "I don't know" or "No opinion" or "Not sure" (etc.) is even an option in polls...
  15. Katatawnic

    Arresting fat kids parents

    F as in Funny? :mrgreen:
  16. Katatawnic

    Robot Ninja's 2nd Grow - Blackberry Kush (600w/Aeroponic/SCRoG)

    So you're the one who gave this to me?! ;) I've been down for the last two days now, and last night I truly wished I was dead. Today death sounds a bit preferable to enduring this, but not quite as much as last night... "Nasty" doesn't begin to describe it! :evil: I didn't even look at my...
  17. Katatawnic

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    This article also says, "It took 35 plus years for the majority of Americans to wake up to the fact that the assassination of JFK was a government operation." When did this become a fact?
  18. Katatawnic

    KB..(Kushberry) & BH..(Blue Hash)

    Hmmm, good to know... if it tastes harsh to me, I'll use it strictly for cooking. :mrgreen: (Gotta remember, I've been using brick since I started growing; all this investing broke me pretty bad. So I'm used to really awful taste lately. lol)
  19. Katatawnic

    Prop 215 Grow 1.2

    OK, so I took a few photos a bit ago, loaded them onto my computer, and can't get any further than that. Tried to resize them in Gimp (my computer is now running Ubuntu), but it didn't do it... I mean, it said "Undo Resize" in the command history, but when I saved the file it was still huge. So...
  20. Katatawnic

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    So refreshing when I see I'm not the only one! :lol: :shock: WOW, now them's some looong & skiiinny leaves! Purdy too... :weed: