:peace:congrats on the harvst cant wait to see the photos. My babies are doning good still learning i just started 12/12 on fri. waiting to see what sex they r:peace:
i was gone for the weekend when i got back i notice that my plants or starting to get a bit yellow the bottom 2 leaves one has a purple steam n a few dots small on its leavies any adivce will b great as this is my first DWC cheaked PH a 6.0
i was gone for the weekend when i got back i notice that my plants or starting to get a bit yellow the bottom 2 leaves one has a purple steam n a few dots small on its leavies any adivce will b great as this is my first DWC cheaked PH a 6.0
bongsmilieim going to start my DCW in the next few days i going to us a 400hps in a 3x2 closet whats the max i should plant n is it ok to just use rockwood r should i also use the other stuff thanx for the help i post pic when i get things running:joint: