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  1. greenkrakzak

    Second Time Around, Perpetual Grow

    dude im in the same boat as db, sorry there isnt much traffic around here but ill be back later today man! nice pics tho!
  2. greenkrakzak

    GKZ's Ghetto-Tastic Closet/ Midget Fast Flower Growbox

    haha i got it right away cause my dad said the same exact thing when i told him "i just measured it, its like 9 inches!" and he said "but did you measure the plant while you were in your room" haha stoned people think alike!
  3. greenkrakzak

    Help found mould!!

    ive heard its as simple as hydrogen peroxide mixed with water to get rid of mold. not sure on the quantities or application tho, google that bitch if you trust it!
  4. greenkrakzak

    Supercropping(+) for Beginners

    thanks again, to another faceless repper!!!
  5. greenkrakzak

    GKZ's Ghetto-Tastic Closet/ Midget Fast Flower Growbox

    it needed to be said
  6. greenkrakzak

    Supercropping(+) for Beginners

    thnx for the rep random faceless repper!!!
  7. greenkrakzak

    GKZ's Ghetto-Tastic Closet/ Midget Fast Flower Growbox

    just measured, its about 9.5 inches, it was 5.5 three days ago!!!
  8. greenkrakzak

    GKZ's Ghetto-Tastic Closet/ Midget Fast Flower Growbox

    haha glad to have a stoned pumped fan!!! and yes thats said very correctly! i did the math and found out that this whole grow costs me about 12 doll hairs and some change. i had EVERYTHING else already sitting at my house!!! and i may paint it up before the next grow! black green yellow n red or...
  9. greenkrakzak

    GKZ's Ghetto-Tastic Closet/ Midget Fast Flower Growbox

    thanks for stoppin by, just thought id put up an ... update new growth site, ....plant,.............plant,,......artsy close up shot and for a comparison....... with a sadly empty bottle of evan williams and the common solo cup
  10. greenkrakzak

    from the pics (cant really tell) but id say its nute burn unless your plants are abnormally...

    from the pics (cant really tell) but id say its nute burn unless your plants are abnormally close to the lights. what kind of nutes are you using? and are using them at full strength? if so youll want to divide the amount of nutes you're using by at least 2 maybe up to 8, when theyre young you...
  11. greenkrakzak

    Experience System

    haha yeah... old shit, i dont even really get the new stuff, but i dont think anyone does completely other than riu himself
  12. greenkrakzak

    GKZ's Ghetto-Tastic Closet/ Midget Fast Flower Growbox

    thnx man btw i like that and may steal it
  13. greenkrakzak

    GKZ's Ghetto-Tastic Closet/ Midget Fast Flower Growbox

    man its so friggin bushyyyyy
  14. greenkrakzak

    GKZ's Ghetto-Tastic Closet/ Midget Fast Flower Growbox

    already topped it, (check 1st pic at top of page) and when its abit bigger in going to start lst
  15. greenkrakzak

    GKZ's Ghetto-Tastic Closet/ Midget Fast Flower Growbox

    in going for about 3 ft so im gonna flower just about 1 ft and the pot it is in (i think if 3gal but could be 5) is the final pot and yeah, the waiting is killing me, thats why im starting other plants and doing weird shit with em. i just gaveaway two of em to the guy that grows my dads stuff
  16. greenkrakzak

    sorry m8, im in soil

    sorry m8, im in soil
  17. greenkrakzak

    GKZ's Ghetto-Tastic Closet/ Midget Fast Flower Growbox

    haha with a little path down the middle, but seriously anyone have and suggestions/ comments on the grow? theres deff something i could be doing better
  18. greenkrakzak

    GKZ's Ghetto-Tastic Closet/ Midget Fast Flower Growbox

    thanks flams, next i will grow a shrubbery
  19. greenkrakzak

    Hottie With Buds + Semi nNaked Girls :)

    ma... is that u or just some hot chick?