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  1. F

    Force Flowering Outside

    Chasta i would but i want bud for summer and the light cycle outside wouldnt be good for flowering til late august. I want some bud for summer.
  2. F

    Force Flowering Outside

    Thanks guys! Any ideas on how to ventilate the plants once they are covered? I'd hate to get bud rot over night.
  3. F

    Force Flowering Outside

    I have a month old indica plant growing in my closet. It's undergoeing its first week of 12/12 light. I can't flower it for too long in there due to smell so I'm going to move it outside in a couple of weeks. However, I want it to continue to flower. Can i force flower outside by covering it...
  4. F

    Finishing Flowering Outside

    I have a month old indica plant growing in my closet. I cannot fully flower it due to the smell. What if I flowered it for a week or two inside and then took it outside? The only issue is that it is May and its light for about 14 hours a day or so. Could i continue to flower it outside if i...
  5. F

    Force Flowering

    Alright, thanks guys :)
  6. F

    Force Flowering

    so if i do it for 4 weeks and it begins to flower then i stop it will go back to vegging?
  7. F

    Force Flowering

    I want some bud for summer. I dont want to wait for fall.
  8. F

    Force Flowering

    Hello, I'm currently growing my indica bagseed plant inside. It's about a month old and I want to flower it soon. However, I live with my parents so i cant flower it inside due to smell. It's early may and i want to flower it outside. Do i just cover it with a trashbag after 12 hours of sunlight...