Force Flowering Outside


I have a month old indica plant growing in my closet. It's undergoeing its first week of 12/12 light. I can't flower it for too long in there due to smell so I'm going to move it outside in a couple of weeks. However, I want it to continue to flower. Can i force flower outside by covering it with a tarp or trash can every day once its received its 12 hours of daily light? Then remove the covering once its completely dark so it will wake up to the sun and get its 12 hours for the next day? Has anyone else done anything like this? If so, how can i make this work? Thanks!


Active Member
Covering it up every evening outside would be a pain in the ass. But aside from possible light leaks, it might work.

What I'm thinking of doing this year to a couple of plants is flipping indoors to 12/12 for 3 weeks or so, them just sticking them outside in late June and see if they stay in flower. I've got a short growing season where I'm at, and if they had a head start it'd be great. Time to experiment.


Well-Known Member
yea its not uncommon, i will be doing the same thing, i plan to make a pvc frame, 6 ft long, 4 ft high and 2 ft wide, and cover it with black plastic. should be able to house 3 small flowering plants in it. u dnt want any outside light getting to them, so however u do it, keep that in mind


Thanks guys! Any ideas on how to ventilate the plants once they are covered? I'd hate to get bud rot over night.


Well-Known Member
i think itd be hard in a twelve hr period to get it, any moisture build up will be gone after a short while in the sun and open air


Active Member
As Mr. said, ventilation shouldn't be a huge problem, but...if you want ventilation without light you could bury some weeping tile-type hose just outside your covering, then run it under the ground to pop up inside your tent. And I'm not even stoned right now, though I know that sounds like a stoned idea.


Active Member
can't you just start them with 24 hr of light and then kick them outside this time of year and there's a good chance they kick into flower anyhow right ?


Chasta i would but i want bud for summer and the light cycle outside wouldnt be good for flowering til late august. I want some bud for summer.