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  1. Kief Moon

    Fumble's First Grow

    Either way Fumble, but there's some good stuff in here! Darn FM. ;) Just let me know wherever you post the recipes for that asparagus salad or brownies. I'm still amazed by them. Thanks again for bringing them this weekend!
  2. Kief Moon

    2013 bbq?!

    Sorry JJ. When I thought of Easter and 4/20 on the same day it gave me a visual of people running around with volcano bags looking for Easter eggs. :shock:
  3. Kief Moon

    2013 bbq?!

    Great idea JJ. :idea: Wait! That's Easter Sunday!
  4. Kief Moon

    Fumble's First Grow

    THREAD KILLER! :lol:
  5. Kief Moon

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    "You must spread some Reputation before give it to F.M.I.l.Y again"
  6. Kief Moon

    2013 Indoor grow and show. show your sick indoor grow from this yr

    Did they ever show? I'm ready to order from them but have read about recent issues.
  7. Kief Moon

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    He's still there. Leaving today I think. I got home last night. It was awesome. Very mellow. Great people, food, fire & weed. It was fun putting faces to usernames. JJ is so cool, has pig cooking down to a fine art and put on a killer event. Everyone was friendly & generous. Fumble is an amazing...
  8. Kief Moon

    2013 bbq?!

    This was a great gathering of growers. Special thanks to JJ for all his hard work & serious cooking skills. I can't wait for next year. Here are a few pix.
  9. Kief Moon

    2013 bbq?!

    Ok, turkey pans, plastic utensils & OG for FM. ;) It's looking like I'll be there around 10-11 on Saturday. Probably grab some potato or pasta salad too.
  10. Kief Moon

    2013 bbq?!

    I'll bring plastic utensils. What else besides firewood do we need?
  11. Kief Moon

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    Cool! Hey, your PM box is full bro. :D
  12. Kief Moon

    2013 bbq?!

    What's up everyone? I've been slammed the last couple weeks with work & an indoor harvest but back and ready to plan this. BTW, the TrimBot is awesome. My woman is kind of an "indoor girl" so I'm thinking of getting a room in Roseville. It's only 3 miles further than Marysville & they have a...
  13. Kief Moon

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    Yeah, don't torture us like that FM! Pictures or it didn't happen. ;D
  14. Kief Moon

    2013 bbq?!

    Yes, I am a baller too! LOL! Last round cost me two weeks of my life & a grand to trimmers. My woman & I are hoping to do this next round in 2 or 3 day. I'm hoping this one will last until I can swing a Twister 2. :D
  15. Kief Moon

    2013 bbq?!

    Not yet. I'm in week 8 ao soon. 8^D
  16. Kief Moon

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    Yeah, I'd hit that like a retard on a drum set!
  17. Kief Moon

    Bud Trimmer review....the "TrimBot"

    Mine arrived today. The blades scraped the deck pretty bad when I first set it up, but after a few "adjustments" to the blades it was running fine. Once you see one in person it's clear why it costs 5% of what the big boys cost, but who cares. If it last for 4 or 5 harvests I'll be happy. If it...
  18. Kief Moon

    A Kush Lovers Thread

    FM! This thread has been stopped for 10 days waiting for your pictures Bro. WTF?! ;D
  19. Kief Moon

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    Damn! Elvira's still hot! HA!
  20. Kief Moon

    Alright.....So what would YOU do?

    How many watts are your bulbs? And how long do you veg?