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  1. Baz

    almost 10 weeks flowering & no smell

    Yea bagseed 100% sativa
  2. Baz

    almost 10 weeks flowering & no smell

  3. Baz

    Great Stoner Quotes

    Hamerite! does exactly what it says on the tin.
  4. Baz

    almost 10 weeks flowering & no smell

    Just a thought.. i have 3 plants my first grow which is almost on her 10th week of flowering and 2 others which are about 7 weeks in flowering My first which is 5 foot tall, has never smelled of nothing, even the buds now, smell of nothing One of the other 2 stunk from seedling and the other...
  5. Baz

    Trics oon leafs?

    prob 20 to 25% lol idk
  6. Baz

    Trics oon leafs?

    Bagseed, id say the petsils are 30% brown, trichs on the buds only, does the spreading part happen near the very end of flowering?
  7. Baz


    Ok lol, i think homer was impersonating a scottish person, and grounds keeper wilie goes "where ya hail from laddy" homer replies "doonstoown" wille says "hey im from doonstoone! do ya know Angus MacDoogle?" It went something like that, made me laugh n e way
  8. Baz


    Lol sorry, im guessing u guys not seen the simpsons episode im talking of?
  9. Baz


    No lol sorry was taking the piss, i was taking off a simpsons episode he he
  10. Baz


    Hey i used to work for pepsi back in the mid 90's, also at their HQ in somers, NY......... Do ya know Angus Macdoggle?? :mrgreen:
  11. Baz

    Trics oon leafs?

    Just wondering when i should see the trics spreading out from the buds to the budleafs? shes 9 week in 100% sativa & can see trics allover the buds but not the leafs TIA
  12. Baz

    Stop shopping at walmart

    Who let the dogs!!
  13. Baz

    little black flys... my god... theres about 40 of em !

    HA HA HA I had same problem, they only hung out 1 or 2 plants for some reason, and seemed to like congregating in 1 of the trays that the pot sat in I firstly, sat in my grow room like kerate kid, cathing em mid air then humanley eiliminating them out of existence Then plan 2, i got a normal...
  14. Baz

    Now this is a christmas tree!

    Ha Ha H afunny that, i mwas just talking to my brother last night on a planed big grow in my shed, and was talking about venting all the heat under my house lol
  15. Baz

    Now this is a christmas tree!

    Im from sunny old northern england lol, no really its cold and misserable here at the moment, thinking about moving in my room where its always summer lol
  16. Baz

    Now this is a christmas tree!

    Shes 9 week in flowering mode today, so not an option, but i know what ur saying bud.
  17. Baz

    UK And Ireland Forum Sub-Category Request.

    Blown up sheep under arm for wales, and a jar of jellyed eals for down south?
  18. Baz

    Now this is a christmas tree!

    Woul'd love to mrniceguy, but ist start of winter here
  19. Baz

    Bad Ass Design I Want To Put On A T-Shirt

    honestly i could throw that up in 5 mins on mspaint and google images, not enough going on in my opinion.
  20. Baz

    Great Stoner Quotes

    Lol good good, i wrote that when i was high as a kite last night, good some real good blueberry, can't wait till 7:30 to smoke some more!!