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  1. KansasCityChief

    lol man when the site was down for a little bit all i was thinking was no!!!!!!!! my plant...

    lol man when the site was down for a little bit all i was thinking was no!!!!!!!! my plant going to die. im not sure if i told u but the other day i did the run off test and my soil is still kinda moist. moisture reader says ( 5 outta 10) i was thinking about watering tomorrow. whats your...
  2. KansasCityChief

    whats goin on. in my journal entry. im using fox farm ocean forest for my soil. so ur thinking...

    whats goin on. in my journal entry. im using fox farm ocean forest for my soil. so ur thinking its nute burn? how shall i go out fixing it? thanx for the help
  3. KansasCityChief

    I have some grow big on deck. u think 1/4 dose in a gallon jug three quarters of the way filled...

    I have some grow big on deck. u think 1/4 dose in a gallon jug three quarters of the way filled might help it out. plus today i woke up my leaves are drooping even more. lol what am i doing???
  4. KansasCityChief

    lol man i cant get the pics to get bigger.. i have big pictures of them in my grow journal

    lol man i cant get the pics to get bigger.. i have big pictures of them in my grow journal
  5. KansasCityChief

    How ya Been? heres the latest update on my plant. finally got a ph meter soil is 6.5. two days...

    How ya Been? heres the latest update on my plant. finally got a ph meter soil is 6.5. two days ago i did the fill your pot till a 20 percent runoff. my baby looks like shes still growing but a couple leaves turned even more brown and now some leaves are bending over is that bad...
  6. KansasCityChief

    WTF AnyOne Know Whats Goin On. HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    so make a 20 % runoff dont water again for 5 days then in a month i can start adding my ff nutes. just one more using a 2 gal smart pot i kno rookie mistake .. i want to add two gals of water. do i want to do that like back to back gallons or 1 gallon earlier in the day then one...
  7. KansasCityChief

    WTF AnyOne Know Whats Goin On. HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    what can i do to fix it? or do i just have to wait til my girl gets bigger? whats going to happen to the yellow leaves will they eventually turn back green or die?
  8. KansasCityChief

    WTF AnyOne Know Whats Goin On. HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and should i throw away the watering schdule and just water when the top couple layers get dry. i tried this once before on some bag seed bad results the plant died in loving memory of my first baby reggie
  9. KansasCityChief

    WTF AnyOne Know Whats Goin On. HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im pretty sure its not bugs its a closet indoor grow. so are u guys saying i should just keep pouring water into the smart pot till it starts running out the bottom? couldnt that cause a over watering? this is my 1st grow so i know these are prolly dumb questions but i appreciate yall helping me...
  10. KansasCityChief

    WTF AnyOne Know Whats Goin On. HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    oh now i get what u were saying but im not using a bucket im using one of those smart pot. should i skip the next watering on weds?
  11. KansasCityChief

    WTF AnyOne Know Whats Goin On. HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    im not really sure what u mean by this im a newb could u explain more?
  12. KansasCityChief

    WTF AnyOne Know Whats Goin On. HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i only water twice a week once on wed and sunday.
  13. KansasCityChief

    WTF AnyOne Know Whats Goin On. HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my money been a lil funny so i havent been able to get a ph tester yet. getting one on weds. how would i find out if my water is hard or soft.
  14. KansasCityChief

    WTF AnyOne Know Whats Goin On. HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i havent feed them any nutes at all. just tap water.
  15. KansasCityChief

    Not sure if this is nute burn, ph burn or cal mag? Help please

    not 100 percent sure.. mines is kinda starting to look that. i think we might both be suffering from ph burn. are u using tap water?
  16. KansasCityChief

    urghh!!! its starting to get worst...

    urghh!!! its starting to get worst...
  17. KansasCityChief

    WTF AnyOne Know Whats Goin On. HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Help Someone plz tell me what the hell is goin on with my plant and what i can do to fix it. this is what it look like 2-days ago. Heres the basic info....Soil- ( Ocean Forest) -Strain ( Sour D) Water- ( Tap Water) . This is what it looks like today . Someone please help!!!
  18. KansasCityChief

    lol dont worry when its almost time for me to flush you kno ill be coming to your page to ask...

    lol dont worry when its almost time for me to flush you kno ill be coming to your page to ask atleast 4 questions. I guess im growing synthetic because i have the big bloom, tiger bloom, and grow big. and my dumass bought some superthrive too but i heard it doesnt really do much?
  19. KansasCityChief

    lol dont worry when its almost time for me to flush you kno ill be coming to your page to ask...

    lol dont worry when its almost time for me to flush you kno ill be coming to your page to ask atleast 4 questions. I guess im growing synthetic because i have the big bloom, tiger bloom, and grow big. and my dumass bought some superthrive too but i heard it doesnt really do much?