hey lads. im having a isue with my plant i made a thred and posted pics if any of yeh lads can check it out it will be most appreciated. here is the link. Help! Plant leaves curling up pics included....
do you boys think it could be due to much wind? i got 4 4" fans and 1 6" fan the 6" is was blowing directly on the plants and it rotates from left to right.
the light are above the plant i i toke it out of the tent just to get a good pic. the temps in the tent is at 70F and the reflector is 18" from plant tops release bearly any heat as i got a good fan on the reflector.
hey every one. past few days the leaves started curling up i didnt think much of it. but its gotten more bad now. its more on the top part of the plant where the leaves are curling the bottem looks fine as you can see on the pics.
i think the problem started soon as i swtiched on my hps from...
DGT, hey mate i think thos briks saved every thing. just glad nothing bad happened, all this hase given me a massive scare!! im going to get some briks tomorow and do the same
hey mate your getting quit alot of wrong info here. you are growing in coco soil so you have to water with nutes (coco a+b) with every single water this is very importand in coco soil. and make sure you get a 10%-30% run of this is a must if you dont want salts to build up. . you can confirm...
got my dinfem seeds :) all thanks to lefreq!! thanks for letting us boys know. so i got critical 90% , cloud 9 60% , ufo royal queen amnesia haze and the one i payd for dna chocolope fem ;)
that isnt a good idea. alot of experinced growers wouldnt recommend this becouse of tress ect ect bla bla = problems. so just take cuttings before you put in flower