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  1. Shannon Alexander

    Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth?

    Wow... I'm not touching this one...
  2. Shannon Alexander

    Why..? Dear LORD why...?

    When you find out I'm a 26 year old man you might change your mind...
  3. Shannon Alexander

    Kc Brains

    I have read that he has had some problems with some of his strains in the past and that he has worked hard to fix them but then again a lot of other breeders have had problems before to. I have only some experience with his KC-45 autoflower but looking at a lot of his stuff it has been said by...
  4. Shannon Alexander

    Live Security Platinum...

    Whoever makes these stupid little programs should be made to suck on Satans cock for all of eternity while being raped by an elephant penis... That is all...
  5. Shannon Alexander

    Anybody here speak Arabic?

    I think he's reaching just a little too far on that one...
  6. Shannon Alexander

    If you were God what would you do?

    I have made the very same mistake in the past and was set straight on it and probably still write the wrong one on occasion...
  7. Shannon Alexander

    When do you get a soul??

    Evolution is a fact of life... I think people get hung up on the we come from apes thing because they see apes and then go "well if we came from monkeys how come there are still monkeys"... that is the most common retarded comment I have heard from religious people through all my years... I...
  8. Shannon Alexander

    When do you get a soul??

    I will admit to being only 26 years old and never got a college degree so I may be a little naive on some things and a lot ignorant on many others, It is just that I myself lack the ability to understand how belief is a conscious choice. Could somebody with more experience on the topic of brain...
  9. Shannon Alexander

    Having kids?

    I'm 26 and kinda want kids... But I'm happy enough just helping with my nephews... I'm not in a position where I could really raise children of my own... no female in my life for a start and even tho if I could I would adopt a child, I can't see myself raising the child of an other man with the...
  10. Shannon Alexander

    If we could make man/animal hybrids...

    Repo! the genetic opera is a musical that follows on a very similar theme...
  11. Shannon Alexander

    When do you get a soul??

    Read Solomons writings... he was in the bible the man that was given his wisdom directly from god... Read it... then stop lying about the bibles actual stance on animals... I was a big Church goer once, I used to go to church twice every Sunday, read my bible cover to cover many times and...
  12. Shannon Alexander

    When do you get a soul??

    Read Ecclesiates Kaendar... I implore you to read that part of the bible before you spew more misinformation about the bibles stance on animals...
  13. Shannon Alexander

    Does anyone get high anymore???

    Me for one... but I love smoking anyway...
  14. Shannon Alexander

    personal will

    That is why I believe so many people fail at killing themselves... Because it's really not that hard of a thing to do if you were serious about it...
  15. Shannon Alexander

    personal will

    I thought free will only encompassed an individuals right or ability to make their own decisions...
  16. Shannon Alexander

    Does anyone get high anymore???

    I try my best mate...
  17. Shannon Alexander

    Does anyone get high anymore???

    I smoke for several reasons... the biggest one and most relevant is as an Australian I like to get fucked up... I have issues with alcohol abuse so I get my fuckedupedness from Marijuana instead while most of my mates drink...
  18. Shannon Alexander

    History Enthusiasts! - What are the most interesting parts of human history?

    How exactly do you choose to believe something..? it is not an ability that I possess... If you have some special technique you could teach me to be able choose to believe or not believe something please PM me...
  19. Shannon Alexander

    History Enthusiasts! - What are the most interesting parts of human history?

    I'm sure he did have something he could have offered... I was just pointing out the fact that he and Hitler are not polar opposites...
  20. Shannon Alexander

    History Enthusiasts! - What are the most interesting parts of human history?

    No they weren't... they both hated black people...