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  1. oregon024

    Im paying a guy to harvest.

    Going rate is 1 oz per lb cut.Do it yourself not that hard enjoy!
  2. oregon024

    today i got ROBBED!

    Dude that sucks buy a taizer carry it always.When buying.Plus make new guys think your nuts.Most dealers fear crazy the unknown especially.Been robbed just not like this.That guy that hooked ya up get his ass fuck him
  3. oregon024

    starting to get mold on the buds when drying?

    Should smoke ok won't taste right sorry
  4. oregon024

    Citrus Tree with THC.!!!

    Have 1 strain smells just like that citrus spray when growing.Fruity dank different
  5. oregon024

    Watering schedule question

    I'v seen marijuana look dead water it and comes back.After all it is a weed.Should be ok!
  6. oregon024

    WHY EVERY ONE SHOULD VOTE NO ON 74 AND I28..Oregon green free wants to controll you!

    This guy is justed pissed.Joined OGF thought we would allow him to run off at keyboard there.Made post MASTER GROWER.We yanked on him oh 90 days waiting on meds we find out.Call bull shit.He throws a little fit got kicked off end of his OGF account.Many sick people come to OGF for real...
  7. oregon024


    sucks thieving basturds.I have planted inside corn fields by light poles with some success!sorry for your loss.
  8. oregon024

    knowing your in a dream...

    I'm old and disabled have alot of dreams me being healthy running hoes.Loved doing that back in the day.Raize hell and screw what let me!
  9. oregon024

    Oregon Green Free...what is wrong with this group?

    OGF the most of us are pretty sick patients.Learning from each other.Helping along the way.Don't want to learn don't join save the dissing for someone healthy.
  10. oregon024

    I gotta say goodbye to everyione for a while... :(

    Don't want to go to jail.Have heard of alot of people moving away to save their ass.Most cops will only go 300 miles to get ya.Have family that's done it.It dose work screw those illinois pigs!Sorry to hear bro
  11. oregon024

    Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

    I grow og kush don't live in cali.Ok 30 minutes north can you blame a guy the weather rocks.
  12. oregon024

    Fox Farm: Nutes or Soil?

    That good soil will do the feeding for 3 to 4 weeks.Buy nutes next pay.
  13. oregon024

    Is there ANY benefit to having the metal halide on while flowering?

    Haven't done it myself know some that do.Need to try for myself I guess let us know how it does!
  14. oregon024

    Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

    You guys just get the tv publicity.I have grown meds that will make you fall down walking.After we get despensaries Oregon been doing it 2 yrs less than cali.Wish they allowed state to state compatitions.Have alot of faith in our bud.Will sell for just as much.
  15. oregon024

    Too many lights??

    Run it hot grow em big!F:::: Em enjoy the grow!That's what I would do if concerned best to get a friendly electrician grow safe.
  16. oregon024

    When to give up

    Don't give up failure and troubles usually comes before great success!
  17. oregon024

    Help needed in getting a medical marijuana license in Oregon

    After October harvest good meds get down to 100.00 an O.For about 4 months then back to normal but it is real good meds!
  18. oregon024

    what do you do ?

    I think of good shit to eat alot.Ice c ream with sprinkles.Pack the bowl for later.Like to be ready!
  19. oregon024

    Favorite All Time Strain/Local Strain

    My first grow class 2 yrs ago was given Shishkaberry/Juicyfruit clones.Still love this med happy to have it!
  20. oregon024

    I have fly larva in my soil!!!

    Run gognats threw your soil not to high priced works pretty good