Dude that sucks buy a taizer carry it always.When buying.Plus make new guys think your nuts.Most dealers fear crazy the unknown especially.Been robbed just not like this.That guy that hooked ya up get his ass fuck him
This guy is justed pissed.Joined OGF thought we would allow him to run off at keyboard there.Made post MASTER GROWER.We yanked on him oh 90 days waiting on meds we find out.Call bull shit.He throws a little fit got kicked off end of his OGF account.Many sick people come to OGF for real...
OGF the most of us are pretty sick patients.Learning from each other.Helping along the way.Don't want to learn don't join save the dissing for someone healthy.
Don't want to go to jail.Have heard of alot of people moving away to save their ass.Most cops will only go 300 miles to get ya.Have family that's done it.It dose work screw those illinois pigs!Sorry to hear bro
You guys just get the tv publicity.I have grown meds that will make you fall down walking.After we get despensaries Oregon been doing it 2 yrs less than cali.Wish they allowed state to state compatitions.Have alot of faith in our bud.Will sell for just as much.