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  1. TheSpiderMite

    First Time Grow, 2 Months In, Flowering Early 12/12

    A classic looking Sativa. Yes closer lights would have prevented the stretch, do you have good air circulation (fans) for stiff cellulose? otherwise those buds can end up breaking branches if not supported by a stake later in the flowering stage. Why mollasse? what are the benefits beside to...
  2. TheSpiderMite

    attempting a clone...

    It's already showing pistils because the mother plant was already entering flowering stage of its cycle basically the life fluid of the plant is still sending hormones to flower. I get roots in 12 days using coco with the green light rooting hormone I cut at a 90• angle,set cutting in water for...
  3. TheSpiderMite

    HELP, with CLF lights for 3 plants

    1.4,000 Lumens Per Plant. 2.Most people prefer using 6500k (Vegative Growth) and 2700k (Flowering Stage) you may use 5000k or 2700k for vegative growth if 6500k (Daylight) is not avabile. 3. Depends on the amount of volts being used by wattage I forgot how to calculate the amount per month...
  4. TheSpiderMite

    Tired of people say MG is not for Cannabis. I'm going to shut all of you up.

    Taste is strain dependent and quality of how it was grown case closed in short terms.
  5. TheSpiderMite

    Expert Clone Advice Needed

    Update: Put her under the dome still looking good she's not wilted so still crossing fingers time to wait two weeks Lol I'm at starbucks right now no Internet her stalk is still soft so I'll just hope she can pull through dang lost 3 weeks off my Louie Og project :mad:
  6. TheSpiderMite

    Expert Clone Advice Needed

    Just got back from the dispensary so excited to get my mother Louie Og clone and guess what when I get back the plant is split in half at the base of the stem :cry: so I cut the lower part every root and put hormone so now I basically have a cutting :( should I put her under the dome or just...
  7. TheSpiderMite

    First Grow!!! :D

    Only good use for Call of duty Mw3 is as a riser. Oh and those are just stipules idk what their use is but it's still to early to determine sex there should be a guide somewhere in the forums about sexing.
  8. TheSpiderMite

    seedlings kind of curling?

    Pest and predators are a bigger problem then the leafs curling.
  9. TheSpiderMite

    New clones struggling

    If they are struggling it is due to humidity after I transplant clones after rooting I put a bag over the container and snip a cut at the edge so the humidity gradually lowers clones have a difficult time getting switched from high to low humidity so keep that in mind. If the clone goes 99% to...
  10. TheSpiderMite

    Quick question about seeds :)

    Seeds from a badly GROWN plant will still produce quality smoke it is all up to the experience and care of the grower for that. Yes you can still use those seeds from last year as long as they were stored properly in a cool dark location.
  11. TheSpiderMite

    If you could have dinner with 3 people dead or alive

    ^ That why it's called the golden shower
  12. TheSpiderMite

    Closet grow journal - KC Brains Northern Lights Special, CFL

    :( You did te biggest mistake all new grower do too much love I'm also noticing some heat damage on the leaves so see if the bulbs above your plant is not too close a burning your plant you can check this by holding your hand at the crown and if it bun your hand I also notice some bark in your...
  13. TheSpiderMite

    how much should i pay my wife?

    She should be paying you :hump:
  14. TheSpiderMite

    If you could have dinner with 3 people dead or alive

    God dammit I didn't read the title clearly I just thought anyone okay so as for dead people Tupac,Michael Jackson and Steve Irwin cause his accent is awesome.
  15. TheSpiderMite

    Professional Growers...Need a bottom line i even have a chance ha

    When working with these ruderalis crosses it doesn't really depend on how late In the season you are as the hours of sunlight effect it no how besides growth consider when temperature drops below 59F in your area as that is your deadline so as long as your temperature stays above the 59F it...
  16. TheSpiderMite

    Quick safety question....

    Here's a good reliable place to order seeds from.
  17. TheSpiderMite

    If you could have dinner with 3 people dead or alive

    Tommy Chong,Osama Bin Laden and George W. Bush but my the dinner with George and Osama would have to together.
  18. TheSpiderMite

    Holy Shit! Jackie Chan is actually a bad ass!

    At 58 and still kicking ass thanks for the bump shrxhky420 +rep too bad all are favorite martial arts actors are begin to retire :(
  19. TheSpiderMite

    Kung Fu Flixs

    Ip Man was awesome cant say which is my exactly favorite Bruce Lee movie but I would go with enter the dragon anyday I really enjoyed Jet Li's fearless also loved kung fu hustle a good movie to watched baked or not and all Jackies movies are entertaining I really can't believe how he used to do...
  20. TheSpiderMite

    Kung Fu Flixs

    Who else here enjoys watching Kung fu flixs as much I do. Post your Top 5 favorite movies.