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  1. BongFiend420

    Global Warming Update

    I knew about this for awhile, and its complete fuckin bullshit. They are using Global Warming as a fucking marketing technique. I read somewhere that the earth is actually getting colder each year. GLOBAL WARMING is some FAKE BULLSHIT to get people to but environmentally safe products. It would...
  2. BongFiend420

    280 an ounce

    Lol I think free is dirt cheap for Dank Herb
  3. BongFiend420

    D.W.C 'Show-Off' THREAD. post your pretty and proud DWC piks here

    Closetgrowth glad to see you repin, I dont think I have seen a bigger more healthier root ball in a DWC system.
  4. BongFiend420

    How To Make Cannabutter [W/ Pics]

    If you over heat the cookies when baking, does this destroy the THC ? and with tinctures wouldnt double boiling it kill THC cause of high heat ?
  5. BongFiend420

    !!!!quick yellowing of plant in flowering(pictures)

    use your veg nutes the first week of flower, that should help with the yellowing.
  6. BongFiend420

    Why do people pick on the noobie's ???

    Man lots of us are more than happy to help out a noob. But I dont feel sorry for some noobs that come asking 1000 questions before they have even done research on growing, personally we all know that we dont have the time to write a 20 page grow guide. Thats why lots of noobs need to do some...
  7. BongFiend420

    I want to know basics

    Yea man, this site is a good source of information but the basics would be like 10 pages and honestly im too high to type shit. Hit Youtube.
  8. BongFiend420

    Magnesium Lock Out

    Man if your pH aint in the correct range you will lock out more than just magnesium. Keep ur pH around 5.8 in a hydro system and more around 6.3 6.4 for soil.
  9. BongFiend420

    Canadain Growers Club

    Thanks for the tip on using your veg nutes in the frst week of flower.
  10. BongFiend420

    curing question?? my bud feels like its goin to crumble, any help??

    Humidity is the most crucial factor, If you dry your bud to fast there will be more chlorophyll left in the bud. This makes your bud smell like hay and makes it much harsher to smoke. I recomend you take all your buds and put them in a jars with a moist fan leaf in each jar, this will re-moisten...
  11. BongFiend420

    Canadain Growers Club

    Hardroc, Love the post. I rep Canadian Herbs 365 24/7 This is My Favorite Shirt !
  12. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    Will Do. :leaf:
  13. BongFiend420

    Advanced Nutrients

    I usually mix my own soil mix. But my favorite soil I have ever purcahsed pre-mixed was Fox Farm Ocean Forest. With the Fox Farm soil your plants wont need any nutrients for atleast the first 2 weeks because of the organic nutrients in the soil. You can also buy a Fox Farm planting mix ment to...
  14. BongFiend420

    Advanced Nutrients

    All Advanced Nutrient product are very high quality and provide ecerything your garden needs to flourish. I highly recomend Advanced Nutrients, I myself have tried their organic nutrients and the Grow, Micro, Bloom program and they both work fantastic. If your an Organic guy go with Advanced...
  15. BongFiend420

    How can I keep my closet light tight?

    What this guy said, weather striping and some duck tape works well
  16. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    These are gunna be my 3 mothers, I will probably need more light when they are larger and I really dont want to have to scrap any of them because I dont have enough light. Ill probably set up another light when they are larger. Plus 2 of these plants are just random ass strains and I dont know...
  17. BongFiend420


    WORD!!! 445, are you a commercial Marijuana dealer ?
  18. BongFiend420

    Canadian Outdoor Growers Unite!

    Man its part of the game, you learn from your mistakes. I have had crops ripped from me and I have also ripped them myself, although I am not proud of it. If your in this business you gotta be willing to accept any loss's or consequence's. One thing though I can tell you about ripping crops, is...
  19. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    Here Is The New Videos -
  20. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    As promised guys, I got some updated pics and a vid I'll upload. This Is The Green Crack !