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  1. Dan Halen

    Odd problem...Help?

    Woah, woah, woah! Are you using softened water to water them? Never use softened water! The softener salt will kill any plants you water with softened water. If you absolutely have to use tap water, boil it or let it sit out for 24hrs uncovered at room temp before giving it to your little ones...
  2. Dan Halen

    what is with riu

    Believe it or not, I agree totally with you. Looks like we all should have voted for Ron Paul huh?
  3. Dan Halen

    what is with riu

    But what about the Russian super communist, super-zombies? You know the ones from Metallica's All nightmare long video? Do you have enough Barium to kill them?:lol::lol:
  4. Dan Halen

    what is with riu

    Ya know, for a second there, yeah, I kinda thought you were. :lol:
  5. Dan Halen

    cali LAWS???

    Dude, you may not even need the medical card, California's talking about full legalisation soon.
  6. Dan Halen

    Males Verse The Females

    I've heard you can make tea out of the stalks and leaves of your males. I don't really see it working well unless you have a whole lot of them.
  7. Dan Halen

    what is with riu

    Oh damn! He's at it again! Some poor bastard got him started on politics again! LOLZ!!!! JK CrackerJax.:-P
  8. Dan Halen

    what is with riu

    Really, before you get on here as a member, you should lurk for about a month or so to pick up on the etiquette and terminology.
  9. Dan Halen

    no exhaust grow room

    I think you could, but it wouldn't be a very good idea.
  10. Dan Halen

    Worst/Best state to grow/consume pot

    Well, demographically speaking, I would imagine the state with the most senior citizens per capita in it to be the absolute worst. I say this not as an insult, but 99.99% of all the senior citizens I have ever known have all been very strongly against weed due to their upbringing, government...
  11. Dan Halen

    how many plants can my closet sustain

    Provided that you have enough height for them, the generally accepted rule is one plant per sq. ft.
  12. Dan Halen

    Raided by the police

    Yeah that whiny little troll bitch on youtube! Yeah I've seen him! He's crying about being called a fat ginger. Damn I hate that piggly ginger bitch!
  13. Dan Halen

    2 1/2 weeks from seed, need help please!

    Your giving them nutes way to early, and it's probably causing your soil ph to rise, causing them to get less water and nutes. At least that's what it sounds like to me. Try flushing your soil out, and waiting to give them nutes for about 2-3 weeks and see if that doesn't help.
  14. Dan Halen

    what to do with all left over leaf

    Tea gives you way more cannabinoids for a better and more beneficial high. Not to mention has no impact on you lungs. But that's just my suggestion. Besides I really doubt you'll get much hash at all, unless you have a massive grow room.
  15. Dan Halen

    THC Destroys Brain Cancers

    It's all about the money. The tobacco and pharmaceutical industries would lose way to damn much money if it were legal, not to mention we would all be living longer, happier lives. Which of course isn't part of the corporate war machine's master plan for us.
  16. Dan Halen

    what to do with all left over leaf

    Make some thc tea! Use your leaves and stems for best results.
  17. Dan Halen

    Plants still eaten even with Chicken Wire

    One of the best things to do to keep larger animals away, like deer for instance, is to take clippings of human hair and tie it up near your plant. Other than that and the chicken wire you mentioned there's not much. You could try putting up one of those solar powered electric fences. My uncle...
  18. Dan Halen

    Help Getting Legal In Michigan

    Kruzty I could kiss you!!!!:smile: I live in Berrien County!!!!! Outside Berrien Springs in Berrien Center to be prescise! Small world or what man!? I'll hit you with a pm to talk more about the local compassion club and what not. Seriously Awesome!!!! I'll tell my bros. that live in Berrien...
  19. Dan Halen

    Help Getting Legal In Michigan

    I do have chronic nausea and pain as a result of the migraines. I'm hugging the toilet bowl half the time during a Migraine. I told my doctor that, but I don't know if he wrote it down or anything. I haven't been prescibed anything for nausea, just for prevention and for pain when they start ...
  20. Dan Halen

    Help Getting Legal In Michigan

    Thanks for the ideas man. I was thinking about going to a compassion club meeting beforehand, but I was kinda skeptical seeing as I don't think there would be alot of folks in this part of the state who would be using medical marijuana, partly due to the amount of people here and the general...