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  1. Dan Halen

    Bongs vs. Joints

    Joints are great and I'll never turn one down, but for myself the prefered method of madness is the hookah. Huge bowl, easy to clean, plus me and the whole crew can smoke all at once! And I have a small one hose for when I smoke alone. That and you feel like a badass when you use one! What's...
  2. Dan Halen

    Cheap Vaporizer

    Hey everyone! I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I'm looking to buy a vaporizer and well, I really don't have that much cash to spend. I'm tired of all that last minute outbiding, and other bullshit on ebay. So can any of you guys tell me where I can find a good one for cheap...
  3. Dan Halen

    How much longer!!!????

    Thanks everyone. You've given me a lot to consider. I have heard that growing in soil gives better taste and quality. I think if I do grow again, I will be using soil. You know, K.I.S.S., ( keep it simple stupid, or in my case keep it stupid simple).
  4. Dan Halen

    How much longer!!!????

    I really have no idea. I usually grow outdoors, so hydro is pretty foreign to me.
  5. Dan Halen

    How much longer!!!????

    I was arguing with a friend the other day about how long it takes to grow in soil vs. Hydro. We were unable to reach an answer. So, I'm just wondering, on average, how much longer does it take to grow in soil than hydro? Given that the plants have enough light, nutes, ect. and are in autofeeding...
  6. Dan Halen

    main cola wont grow

    Also, what color temp. are your flouros, and how many watt's are they? Even the smallest details matter when your using flouros. If you haven't fixed the problem already, try switching up your lights. Keep me posted.
  7. Dan Halen

    main cola wont grow

    Good luck Evil. Sounds like you should be ok now, but I'm not gonna say either way for fear of Jinxing you.
  8. Dan Halen

    Led/ufo grow lights

    Ok, aside from LED/UFO's being WAAAYYYY overpriced even on ebay, they can't give you the same results as even good flouro's can. I used to sell lights, bulbs and other electrical stuff, and I'll be the first to tell you that most LED's simply don't have enough discharge to give you a respectable...
  9. Dan Halen

    Is 1 ft. depth enough for a small closet grow?

    I agree with Anjinsan. If your a little paranoid, it would be best to build a cabinet. And whole lot cheaper.
  10. Dan Halen

    main cola wont grow

    Wow evil. I think your pretty well boned here. I don't have much expirence with cloning, so I really can't be too much help, but it seems to me cutting off the main cola would not be good. Hit me up with some info on your grow, (lights, water, indoor or out, ect), and I'll do my best to help you...
  11. Dan Halen

    My first Grow!

    You might want to place like small locks of human hair around your plants. I'm told this will prevent larger animals such as deer from eating your crop.
  12. Dan Halen

    How Much Can One Plant Produce?

    But wait a second. Given an extended veg period equal to that of summer and spring, or about 4-6 months, atleast 50 watts hps/hid light per plant, lst'ing, proper nutes, a large enough container, the right amount of water, and proper air flow, isn't possible to get the same amout of bud from one...
  13. Dan Halen

    Sex Change?

    Well, thanks everyone. But it won't matter. My crop was destroyed. Oh well. Much luck to the rest of you
  14. Dan Halen

    Extended vegging

    Well everyone, thanks for your help. I regret to inform you of the lost of my crop at the paws of my dogs. Oh well.
  15. Dan Halen


    Well unfortunately my crop was destroyed recently. Oh well
  16. Dan Halen


    Ok, I know this sounds wierd, but ever since I started growing, it's like my life has completley turned around! I mean it's like I'm always happy and in a good mood. I don't know really how to describe it other than bliss. It's like my troubles have gone and there is hope for tommorrow. It's...
  17. Dan Halen

    my plants stems are weak

    Yeah you need a fan bad.
  18. Dan Halen

    Rice Curing...?

    I agree. Try it with a small amout first. Also you could wrap the rice in paper towel.:peace:
  19. Dan Halen

    Extended vegging

    Awesome! Glad to hear your a squidbillies fan! Anyways, I'm not going to extend the veg time of my Ak-47 plants. I already extended the cheese's veg time by about a month. And they are huge!! The average height is 21 inches! I wish I could veg the Ak-47 longer, but I can't due to limited...