Strongly dislike those kind of people great to know your enjoying the hobby all you need is good lights,good growing medium,good nutrients and a safe to grow and anyone can harvest fat ass buds.
Keep me updated on how it goes a lot of growers on here like to order from they are a very reliable seed bank with large amounts genetics from quality breeders their prices are great also so take
a look no I'm not advertising I'm just giving a...
Topping cutting the new growth just above that last internode or you can bend the plant downward so the side growth is receiving more growth from the internodes this will slow vertical growth as more energy is going to side growth.
Looking healthy but seem stretched are you keeping them in area that receives very little light? You should try to bend those stalks so it can encourage side growth and produce more internode growth and bud sites.
Okay so it's like this Highest-Lower-Lowest during the vegative growth stage during flowering period it's Lowest-Higher-Highest It's the nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus ratio all companys have different numbers depending on the ratio of nutrients present in the soil/fertilizer. That organic...
Fox Farm is soil/fertilizer company that many people use to grow cannabis because this soil is set at a nutrient/ph/drainage ratio that are great for cannabis plants so this is the reason I recommend it to beginner growers there are many other great company's to use you can even use a soil less...
Go to your local plant nursery instead the only soil mix present at all walmarts is miracle grow go to your local nursery and start with a basic organic soil mix I recommend 3/4 Fox Farms Ocean Forest with 1/4 Fox Farms Happy Frog but experiment and see what you like best the same goes for...