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  1. BustinScales510

    Why should you take the 2016 Presidential election seriously?

    And youre in a position to know that all those millions of votes that she had over him were a result of "cheating"? Get real
  2. BustinScales510

    Why should you take the 2016 Presidential election seriously?

    The persecution complex and underdog narrative helped him just as much as any DNC tinkering hurt him, which is to say probably some but not much.
  3. BustinScales510

    Why are you voting for Jill Stein?

    You mean as the Martin Sheen character who was set to start a nuclear war?
  4. BustinScales510

    When will the people stop..

    Cool dude, you sound like you know what you're talking about. How many green party senators,congressman or governors are there currently?
  5. BustinScales510

    When will the people stop..

    When will people stop.....complaining about the 2 party system? Oh I know,after the general election. No one gives a shit about building up the green/libertarian/independent etc parties at the state level and only seem to really care every 4 to 8 years during the political superbowl when their...
  6. BustinScales510

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Do more posts like this plz
  7. BustinScales510

    Trump Nailed it!!!

    All of that is your opinion, which is fine. But you started posting links as if they backed up your opinion, and I was just noting that you misrepresented what the article actually stated. She was never going to win W Virginia in the general, so it didnt really matter who people who werent...
  8. BustinScales510

    Trump Nailed it!!!

    You didnt post what was after that: "West Virginia has an open primary, meaning independents can vote in the Democratic contest. With the GOP nomination wrapped up, it's possible mischievous Trump supporters sought to damage Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, by voting for Sanders."
  9. BustinScales510

    Melanoma Trump: The Plagiarist

    Lulz Update - it looks like whoever wrote the speech was trolling on purpose because there is a rick roll hidden in the middle of it too. So glad she took credit for writing it though
  10. BustinScales510


    Yeah I used to have that, what you are describing are usually a couple different things though. There are apps that you can check your environmental levels with and can text you if things go outside your set parameters. But the camera stuff is different,mainly just for security/checking to make...
  11. BustinScales510


    He is a snore and a non entity. Trump breaths attention like oxygen so he didnt want anyone who would steal one breath of it away from him.
  12. BustinScales510

    Sins OG

    Were these plants ever flowered?
  13. BustinScales510

    Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

    That pointless comparison is about as well crafted as that shitty drawing
  14. BustinScales510

    Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

    Approximately 20 reported dead with another 42 injured being cared for at area hospitals. The gunman was shot and killed by police after a several hour standoff inside the club. CNN is doing live coverage
  15. BustinScales510

    Plant dying after I topped..

    What an unremarkable and ephemeral thread to necro. There is not one word in the original post that would make it stand out in a search before a sea of dead threads.
  16. BustinScales510

    Donald Trump

    10000 empty seats, at a 12000 seat arena. Yes, very enjoyable :)
  17. BustinScales510

    EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

    Aww,the graph that you reflexively post whenever you feel flustered. It is more funny now than annoying :)
  18. BustinScales510

    What Are You Listening To?

  19. BustinScales510

    New room. No smell wanted.

    Hide the smell with hippie shit, lots of incense and patchouli and sage. Just kidding :) You just gotta use as much carbon filtration as needed. Is youre room sealed or vented? Smell is easier to filter and move away in vented rooms if youre pulling air from where you dont want smell and...