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  1. nas2007

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    anyone who can answer my quastions?
  2. nas2007

    Seedlings all curled up urgent help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    im going to post some more pics in a min just incase
  3. nas2007

    Seedlings somebody help

    spray the seddling chel with water get it wet wait 60 seconds lets it get moist then u shud be able to pull the chel right off gently
  4. nas2007

    Seedlings all curled up urgent help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    here are some pics all the seedlings are more or less curling up after i waterd them and placed the 250 watt cfl closer next day all curled up and look all ill is this normal? any help will be much appreciated!!!! thanks p.s im a new grower
  5. nas2007

    New 600W HPS tent grow. Super Lemon Haze + Arjan Strawberry Haze.

    its a carbon filter. filters the skunk smell into clean air, you can get it from most hydro shops
  6. nas2007

    My first blueberry plant!!! Need help!!

    ok after my first stressfull day with the babys i got some of this jacks lol
  7. nas2007

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    hey i wonderd if ony one could help me out. i got a tent that is 4ft x 4ft x 6and half ft tent. and i got 8 newly vegging plants in there. when is the best time to scrog? can i scrog with so many plants in that space? and one more thing whilst i scrog and i later finde out i got male plants is...
  8. nas2007

    hey verd can yeh check my thred and let us know what u think of the pics i posted thanks bro

    hey verd can yeh check my thred and let us know what u think of the pics i posted thanks bro
  9. nas2007

    My first blueberry plant!!! Need help!!

    yeah ok ill let them be for a few days.
  10. nas2007

    My first blueberry plant!!! Need help!!

    no i havnt started feeding them i mist them like 3 times a day but yesterday before i went to sleep i mist them a little extra and this has happened now. i dont know about the ph. my meter shud be here by today
  11. nas2007

    My first blueberry plant!!! Need help!!

    hey evry one really could do with some help. this ones looks like he is dieing! i think i waterd them a little to mush yesterday is it becouse of that? and these 2 on the left have really curved up again could it be becouse of little extra water i gave em?
  12. nas2007

    My first blueberry plant!!! Need help!!

    okey here there are this ones got burns or somet? okey this ones curved all up should i be worried? and this ones round leaves are turning yellow?
  13. nas2007

    New 600W HPS tent grow. Super Lemon Haze + Arjan Strawberry Haze.

    life is to good for working, if yeh know what i mean ;)
  14. nas2007

    Club 600

    check out my new born babys
  15. nas2007

    Hotsauses First 600w Grow

    hey hot i got to baby blueberry 12 days old, have yeh got any tips for them ex ph ect thanks homie
  16. nas2007

    New 600W HPS tent grow. Super Lemon Haze + Arjan Strawberry Haze.

    lol i dnt have a apartmint lols
  17. nas2007

    Indoor Grow Velvet Bud

    ok homie your plants look sexy! but now is the time you really need to worry about a ph meter. let me explain to you how this works. if the ph is wrong your plants will not observe the nutes you feed them properly! you can only imagen the out come, you with me, plus alot more problems with out a...