Search results

  1. Marijuana Mercenary

    Dr. Feelgood, second crop, yield down

    A lot of the faster strains do not produce well in my experience. Blueberry is the fastest and lowest yielder I have come across. Maybe go with a NL or AK strain next run? They seem to produce a hearty plant. I hear changing the light cycle during the grow can stun/affect them also. Maybe...
  2. Marijuana Mercenary

    Autoflower's under lec/cmh

    I yielded less with 12/12. Do you know the growers name/thread? I would like to check it out.
  3. Marijuana Mercenary

    Autoflower's under lec/cmh

    Wow, thats a big difference for a week. Love auto growth! Cloning autos doesn't start a new plant, unfortunately. Keep the branches on. Ah ok, was wondering how many tents you had going lmao.
  4. Marijuana Mercenary

    First ever grow, auto BB and NL starting week 5

    NL seems like a very dependable auto strain for sure. Whats a guy do when its an almost even mix of clear, cloudy, and amber? Its happened a few times to me before... I harvested based on the curling in of the hairs. Usually turns out good bud but I wonder if its an error.
  5. Marijuana Mercenary

    Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubbasmelloscope

    Looks like a sticky sativa. Reminds me of NL auto by the shape of the buds. Very pretty, keep us updated! Everything I seen from them is top notch. I gotta get a hold of some seeds from them for sure.
  6. Marijuana Mercenary

    Good question about autoflowers.

    Fuck, I will be happy getting 20 zips from my whole hydro crop. Let alone one lmao. God damn mail needs to get here with my hps bulbs lol. Stuck with mh for the most of this grow. Frosty though... Beautiful plants man, very inspiring. Love them fat colas! Mine bushed out using MH. Next grow...
  7. Marijuana Mercenary

    Nice mixed grow, 400 hps

    Plants look good man. I have been checking out a few auto journals and they seem to do well in the heat. Can't canoeing come from high N, also? Mine canoed really bad when I choked the life out of them this last N overdose. I like to beat the shit out of em so they know whos boss. Edit: got a...
  8. Marijuana Mercenary

    Critical cheese by dinafem

    You can 12/12 autos. I had to when a large part of my crop ended up being photos. It hurts yield a lot but if it was a free seed and you got a pheno harvest along with it I am sure you will be happy with it. Your 1000 watt should help it produce. You making a journal?
  9. Marijuana Mercenary

    First attempt at Auto's

    I know all about N toxing autos lmao. Be cautious man, also use veg nutes until they form some solid bud. I was giving mine straight bud nutes and they showed lacks they never recovered from. They are back green now but just little gals lol. Hell yeah, thats badass. Great to see they popped...
  10. Marijuana Mercenary

    Auto Berry Bomb

    I grew a few Bomb seed co. seeds, havent tried Berry Bomb though. Can't wait to see their autos. Keep us updated. Its all good in the hood. If it works it works. Just don't start a fire lol. You might need some slight ventilation. I would do atleast 20 hours of light a day. Seen some really...
  11. Marijuana Mercenary

    What Happened to Bud Quality?

    Way more people growing now. Only a few of them care about quality. The rest do not give a shit they just want something that weighs that they can make a buck off it. Its good to have these people on the market, makes good weed stand out more and sell at a higher value. Can't wait to see the...
  12. Marijuana Mercenary


    Day 58 Snapshot Some hairs are curling in. The majority of plants still have white hairs. They are drinking water like mad and gaining weight. Have some HPS bulbs on order for wednesday. Cannot wait to get them in to help the fattening. Been a really long day. Worked on the greenhouse all...
  13. Marijuana Mercenary

    America has a currency crisis coming very soon...

    Sweet I will find a way to enlarge it. Anyway I am off to work on my business plan. Educated Drake, the Uncles, little Dog with glasses guy. Have fun and thanks for an afternoon of trolling.
  14. Marijuana Mercenary

    America has a currency crisis coming very soon...

    Wrong you charged me 10$
  15. Marijuana Mercenary

    America has a currency crisis coming very soon...

    I thought you were done wasting time on me?
  16. Marijuana Mercenary

    America has a currency crisis coming very soon...

    Yeah, why waste time on me when you can waste it aquiring student loan debt for a useless degree? So you took a few classes on geopolitics or is that your major? Neither makes you an expert and you wouldnt be growing dope if you were.
  17. Marijuana Mercenary

    America has a currency crisis coming very soon...

    How can I be smarter than myself, being the same person as I am quoting. There goes that edumacation firin' off again.
  18. Marijuana Mercenary

    America has a currency crisis coming very soon...

    Let me guess, its racist?
  19. Marijuana Mercenary

    America has a currency crisis coming very soon...

    I didnt say anything about fox and I was talking to that yoda lookin fella
  20. Marijuana Mercenary

    America has a currency crisis coming very soon...

    Notice how the majority of Unclebucks posts all come from these key points.