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  1. The*Mad*Hatter

    Its all bullshit.

    dont now if its been said yet or not....but your dad needs to get a new doctor
  2. The*Mad*Hatter

    Bud Porn Bud Porn Bud Porn

    wow.........think you might have got a whole bong rip off that one
  3. The*Mad*Hatter

    Crappy harvest! Damn why did i cut early :(

    Im sure he has pic's to prove your wrong
  4. The*Mad*Hatter

    Crappy harvest! Damn why did i cut early :(

    well thats good news you didnt harvest all of them
  5. The*Mad*Hatter

    Crappy harvest! Damn why did i cut early :(

    live and learn buddy
  6. The*Mad*Hatter

    From 3rd week flower! 6 1/2 foot sativa

    so noone thinks any different that i should harvest in 4 weeks?
  7. The*Mad*Hatter

    A Guy Walks Into A Bar...

    What do you call a gay indian a brave sucka
  8. The*Mad*Hatter

    Using sand to prevent bugs in soil...?

    i have actualy thought about this......about pouring a inch or 2 of sand on top of my soil to help keep bugs away.....tho im not sure about it and im sure someone will come along and tell you not to do it cuz it will kill your plant or somethign like that.......i'v never tried it, but i would...
  9. The*Mad*Hatter

    Frosty Nugz!!! hehe

    lol, i got it to...just wanted to make a funny
  10. The*Mad*Hatter

    Where Can I Make Money?

    Join the military, they will hire just about anybody...just gotta make it threw basic, which will be the shittest 3 months of your life. but well worth it in the end......dont have to make a career out of it...just do 3 will be suprised what kind of person you come out as i...
  11. The*Mad*Hatter

    Frosty Nugz!!! hehe

    hahahah, i dont get it,...its one or the other........... i gave my ex girlfriend a gental but violent shake and now i got a record......... the lawyer keep saying, he violently shook her, and i keep adding, but gentle at the same time your honor
  12. The*Mad*Hatter

    ants in soil and on bud

    i think your plant will be fine, just dont touch them lil fuckers.............they will help keep small animals away like rabbits and dogs......i dont think they will do any harm to your plant, infact...if they are makeing tunnels in your soil it will aid in airaiting your soil..........but i...
  13. The*Mad*Hatter

    How much do you estimate ill get?

    anyways, on to grown up discussions.....this one is obviously fadeing into the background with all the other BS thread's that people post to get attition
  14. The*Mad*Hatter

    How much do you estimate ill get?

    good point........
  15. The*Mad*Hatter

    How much do you estimate ill get?

    8 oz's in 3 weeks.......should learn to control your smoking to make you harvest last like 3 months so you will always have smoke
  16. The*Mad*Hatter

    Who is till waiting to chop?

    im still looing at 3 1/2 weeks at best
  17. The*Mad*Hatter

    Molasses/Flavour Question

    yeah, for the longest time everyone keep saying it improved the tast......well i think the rumors of that are finally ending...
  18. The*Mad*Hatter

    do these white widows look done to you?

    i dotn think you would be very disipointed if you harvested next week
  19. The*Mad*Hatter

    do these white widows look done to you?

    when your asking if sevral different plants are done or should lable them, pic 1, pic 2 so on a so on......because is most cases some are done befor others..and it would be easyer to tell you which plant needs more time.....but overall, i think you have 2 wees left...i would start...
  20. The*Mad*Hatter

    No amber trichomes but looks tasty as hell and over 8 weeks. Harvest?

    amber crystals will give you a crotch lock???????? i dont think i like that high