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  1. vilify

    What Are The Brown Balls Over Soil

    these? hydroton, clay pellets ph neutral. if you mix with soil, it helps with aeration. roots grow better, plant grows better.
  2. vilify

    Chernobyl - Phenotype searching

    sounds like you got the sativa dom pheno.
  3. vilify

    Chernobyl - Phenotype searching

    i dont have much of a pic of mine atm. got it from a buddy who ran a SHIT ton of chern seeds till he got what he wanted. said he averages 1oz/gal of soil. with many different pot sizes being ran.
  4. vilify

    Will these products increase yield?

    theres no need for any more reflective materials. those tents come pretty well equpped for that. they are basically the same, but I have had a friend review a few different kinds of post, and Smart pots outperformed the rest. but if they are cheaper, and better fit your budget, then im sure...
  5. vilify

    1600w Room In Progress

    looks really nice. that is just about the perfect closet, did it come like that? deff. gonna have a lot of room to flower.. you got exactly what I want. a new house, a new place to setup a grow room. i sometimes go look at potential places to buy, and find basement layouts, and make a...
  6. vilify

    Quick Question

    i was running a 6" 340cfm in a tent that size. didnt have to run it much.
  7. vilify

    Will these products increase yield?

    those pots and the molasses would help the most. but i would go with smart pots, never heard of the other. is your tent white reflective?
  8. vilify

    Michigan Medical - Perpetual SoG/ScoG

    After doing some thinking, and some price comparing. After my current nutes run out, I think I'm going to try brewing tea. Going to pick up some, bat guano, seabird guano, earthworm castings, molasses, humic acid, kelp meal, and azomite. Guano's for the base NPK, castings and molasses for...
  9. vilify

    S\witching from ro water to tap?

    I use tap for my nute feedings, and run the RO for days I just water, and for the flush. Other than when mites get ahold of them, the plants are happy.
  10. vilify

    Michigan Medical - Perpetual SoG/ScoG

    I have found neem is more of a preventative than a killer. That is why i use it on top of using azamax and power wash. What one doesnt get the first spray, the other will next time.
  11. vilify

    Can you make a clone from a plant that just flowered?

    that shouldnt really be a problem. means you want to run 18-light/6-dark or 20-light/4-dark. it might take a few extra weeks, but I would suggest doing the reveg, until you can take a clone. then cut down the reveg and grow the clone. and for the future, try getting another box. it can be...
  12. vilify

    Can you make a clone from a plant that just flowered?

    if its done flowering you are better off leaving some lower small buds on there, and doing a reveg
  13. vilify

    Michigan Medical - Perpetual SoG/ScoG

    thanks. im not sure whats gonna happen with everything in veg lol... some of those are gonna be in cups for a while... can really only veg about 8 at a time in full size pots. those clones are starting to be ready for transplant as well. so i got a backup of like.. 20+ plants in veg right now...
  14. vilify

    Michigan Medical - Perpetual SoG/ScoG

    Cant say this goes for shwag, but I personally spray up until a week before harvest.
  15. vilify

    Michigan Medical - Perpetual SoG/ScoG

    Thought i would do another video update, since the room has changed quite a bit.
  16. vilify

    90% Amber tricks ~ Plant Ready?

    On topic, I would chop. Back off topic. Facts arent bullshit. Veteran growers are growing high yield 8 weekers. You dont have Timewarp, I do. I know when its done, and it takes ~45 days.
  17. vilify

    90% Amber tricks ~ Plant Ready?

    Timewarp. 45 days. Master Kush 56 days. Pulled one out in 50.
  18. vilify

    Michigan Medical - Perpetual SoG/ScoG

    Well follow along, lemme know if you have any questions. More than glad to help.
  19. vilify

    Grow Tacker 1.0 - Grow Tracking Website

    Haha, oh I DEFF log ip's. IMMA COP! JK my post actually got deleted from thcfarmer because they were concerned I was logging IP's. Told them I would give them my source if they wanted, but no replies. Professionalism at its finest! but yeah, ive tried software apps for this use, and they are...
  20. vilify

    Grow Tacker 1.0 - Grow Tracking Website

    Yeah I will look into that. I have just been waiting on purchasing anything because all of my money has been going back into my grow. Doesnt really cost much to get a domain + space for a year, but this site is really on the backend of my priorities. (Even though i code every night =P) It...