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  1. Baz

    spider like leafs drooping pics

    Think this may be underwatering ive been giving it 1 pint of water once every week, maybe thats not enough as i gave it a pint yesterday and have just stuck my finger in the soil about 2 inch down and its bone dry, so ive just gave it another pint, how much water should i be giving a 2 and half...
  2. Baz

    spider like leafs drooping pics

    My plant overall seems healty, im just a little cocerned about the new shoots that grow under the main fan leafs, the ones were bud grows i think, the ones at the top look fine but the ones near the bottom look very wilted and thin curled up a little, kinda look like a spider, i thought it was...
  3. Baz

    silly question..

    When you guys are stating the size of your plant do you include the pot ie, from floor to top of plant, or just from the top of the soil to the top, i know this is prob a silly question but id like to know the answer :)
  4. Baz

    1 week into flowering does she look ok

    ahh that will be it then thanks :)
  5. Baz

    1 week into flowering does she look ok

    about once a week, or wen the soil is dryed out deep in the pot, the main fan leafs are looking healthy and are as big has my hand, its the shoots pushing through them, they look thin and droopy kinda like a spider, maybe due to lighting schedual change or maybe i need more cfl's
  6. Baz

    1 week into flowering does she look ok

    heres the pics
  7. Baz

    1 week into flowering does she look ok

    7 days of flowering ive noticed the lower new shutes pushing through the main fan leafs, the lefs look very thin and droopy, is the due to lack off light being blocked out by the fan leaf above, and also this is where the bud grows right? the stems look very thin, is she looking ok any advice...
  8. Baz

    Is there anybody out there?

    ahh im not sure then if its not a norm cfl but 16 inch still sounds too far away
  9. Baz

    Is there anybody out there?

    if you only got 1 cfl's you need more and idealy u need to be there daily to keep each light arround 1" awat from your plants
  10. Baz

    Is there anybody out there?

    cfl's way too far away, thats all your doing wrong
  11. Baz

    cant fuck up again

    Not being funny but you would of prob had more sucesss and done well on your first grow if you had not even thought of nutes, nature is nature and us adding nutes to a weed is bassicaly messing with nature, im not saying don't use nutes at all but your obviously adding too much if your on your...
  12. Baz

    Help, is my plant sick?

    yep the seedling gets everything it needs from the soil, dont give it anything but water and light until its well established
  13. Baz

    attempting to bring a plan backt back from near death

    That most definatly needs binning, its not worth the time, effort or the electricity, get some seeds or a clone off of a buddy, and then concentrate the time, effort and electricity on them, trust me thats a goner
  14. Baz

    Help, is my plant sick?

    yea mine are roughly that age
  15. Baz

    Help, is my plant sick?

    18 on 6 off thats best for vegging i think and when your ready for flowering change to 12/12
  16. Baz

    Help, is my plant sick?

    How many days old is it, as seedlings in small pots i find watering them with about half of an eggcup of water everyday is the best way, the soil in small pots drys up quicker as it cant hold as much water as a bigger pot its only when they get a bit more mature and in bigger pots when you can...
  17. Baz

    My hot grow room

    my room is exactly the same but it has a vent to the outside, all i have is an osilating fan lowing on my plants my room always arround 78
  18. Baz

    Help, is my plant sick?

    seriously you have to do something wrong to mess up a seedling that big, whats your watering schedual
  19. Baz

    Help, is my plant sick?

    oh led, dunno then wont be heat stress
  20. Baz

    Help, is my plant sick?

    maybe heat stress, what lighting system are you using?