Help, is my plant sick?


Active Member
Hey can anyone take a look at my plant to see if it is sick..
This is my first grow, so don't got a lot of experience on the plant yet.

Some info about it's life..
I have used a LED lamp instead of the regular fluorescent ect.
There was a problem at the first 2 days of it's life (my LED lampe didn't arrived with the mail at the time I expected)

I hope some one can help me..


Well-Known Member
well man you need an mh light for growing for veg stage and a hps for flower. i use a 400wmh for 8 plants. i dont suggest useing led light for growing.


Active Member
The LED is 640-660 nm so the wavelength should be right. btw the temp is 26 C or 78,8 F..


Well-Known Member
seriously you have to do something wrong to mess up a seedling that big, whats your watering schedual


Active Member
My watering schedule is 150 ml pure water every 3th day. Do you have a thumb of rule for a watering schedule?


Active Member
How much light a day would you recommend, I got mixed info on that topic, some say 18 , some 20 some say 24? what's the best?


Well-Known Member
How many days old is it, as seedlings in small pots i find watering them with about half of an eggcup of water everyday is the best way, the soil in small pots drys up quicker as it cant hold as much water as a bigger pot its only when they get a bit more mature and in bigger pots when you can slow the watering down as the soil will hold it the moisture better
good luck


Well-Known Member
18 on 6 off thats best for vegging i think and when your ready for flowering change to 12/12


Active Member
nice plants.. Do you add nutritions to your plants at the seedling phase, or is it enough with what the soils contain?


Well-Known Member
yep the seedling gets everything it needs from the soil, dont give it anything but water and light until its well established