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  1. SoCal88

    Flushing = better?

    Never have. Never will !!
  2. SoCal88


    The pellets I get from the feed store say 'horse supplement' on them. 50 lbs for $15..
  3. SoCal88


    If you can deal with the smell Alfalfa Tea is great... 32 Gallon Trash can filled with water Add 10 cups Alfalfa Pellets Stir daily Day 3 Add 1 cup Epsom Salts and 1 cup Alaskan Fish Fertilizer Keep Stirring Ready to use on day 5. One pint tea to 1 gallon of water...
  4. SoCal88

    When I read my post again I saw that I wasn't too clear.. Sorry.. Let me try again.. I veg...

    When I read my post again I saw that I wasn't too clear.. Sorry.. Let me try again.. I veg indoors. I use T-5's set to 18/6. I flower outdoors. As soon as the weather warms up enough ( which was the last week of February this year) I move a few plants outdoors. In about 2 weeks after putting...
  5. SoCal88

    Indoor light cycle for outdoor grow?

    They go straight to flower once I put them outside.. I mostly grow Strawberry Diesel and they are ready to harvest after about 8 - 9 weeks of flower..
  6. SoCal88

    Indoor light cycle for outdoor grow?

    I veg my plants 18/6 for 2 months under t-5's. As soon as it's warm enough I put them outside. I try to put a few plants outside every 30 days so i get a perpetual harvest all year long.
  7. SoCal88

    Flowering in the spring?

    It's much cheaper to flower outside than it is to run your grow lights.. The plants love the natural sunshine and fresh air. I veg indoors under t-5's. Ususally for about 2 months. Once I put them outside they start growing like crazy!! I definitely believe sunlight and fresh air increase my...
  8. SoCal88

    Outdoor Winter Flower

    I'm also in your area. Not too far from TJ. I started putting my plants out about 3 weeks ago. They are doing very good. Looking forward to first harvest in another 5 -6 weeks..
  9. SoCal88

    Need a really good revegging tip?

    I'm not too far from TJ so I really don't know what the growing conditions are farther north in your area of the left coast. I started putting my 2 foot clones outside about 3 weeks ago. They are flowering nicely and I look forward to my first harvest in about 5 or 6 weeks. This is the third...
  10. SoCal88

    First week! First time grow! A picture a day, how am i doing?

    Poor choice.. You need something with a higher 'N'.. Like a 20 10 20 (NPK)..
  11. SoCal88

    cycles, and legalities in california

    Thanx Adam, good reading.. I learn something new all the time.
  12. SoCal88

    cycles, and legalities in california

    Prop 215 says you can have 12 immature OR 6 mature plants. The prop also states that you are allowed to have up to 8 oz on hand. I also grow with 2 other people. The first month I start my clones and then put them in plastic solo cups. From there I veg for 2 months in one gallon pots. I use...
  13. SoCal88

    What do you think?

    Those are some of the most stretched out plants I have seen. The first thing that tells me is that the lights are too far away. With good ventilation that 600 hps should be only a few inches away from the tops. You should read up on LST and Supercropping to keep your plants a little shorter. I...
  14. SoCal88

    Need help choosing proper nutes??

    I use Jack's too.. 20 10 20 works for me all through the grow. I also use a lot of alfalfa tea.. Plants love it..
  15. SoCal88

    how do i yield 4 pounds off of 4 plants?

    I always go with 3 plants vegged indoors for 8 weeks under t-5's. Plants are about 2 feet high. Then I move them outside for flower. Another 7 -8 weeks til harvest. Total dried yield is over a pound. I put new plants outside every 30 days so I have a perpetual harvest from about May until...
  16. SoCal88

    How much did you spend on your grow room?

    Spending lots of money or very little money doesn't make you a good grower. It's what you do with it..
  17. SoCal88

    How long does your harvest last you?

    I veg my plants indoors and flower outside.. Once the temps warm up I harvest a pound every 30 days from 3 plants.. I always have a lot on hand. I used to think I was a big smoker but todays strains make me a real light weight !! I go thru 2 - 3 grams a week. I usually role a nice fat one that...
  18. SoCal88

    More humidity for clones? I think not.

    I don't use a humidity dome at all when cloning.. I have a home made aeroponic cloner that I use with 100% success. When I first tried cloning I tried the dome but, as you said, they all wilted and died. That being said some people use different methods that necessitate the use of the dome.. I...
  19. SoCal88

    First outdoor grow, Planting June 1st. Could I yield 6oz per

    Brizzy.. If you start those plants indoors under 18/6 lighting as soon as you move them outside they will sense the shorter days and go straight to flower. You would be better off vegging indoors til they are about 2 feet high and then sticking them in the sun. I usually get about a pound off of...
  20. SoCal88

    indoor light vs outdoor light

    I always veg my plants indoors and then move them outside to flower. As soon as I put them out they go to flower. I try to put them outside every 30 days. It takes the first one 2 months to flower so from that point on I harvest every 30 days. I really prefer the smaller more frequent harvests...