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  1. lefreq

    5 cheesus 5 bubble cheese 1000w 1.2m x 1.2m

    show her some love and im sure she will give you some back lol thats what i let these get to before flowering was 20"
  2. lefreq

    Club 600

    well heres one of my bitches 1 week of 12/12 there all at about 23 1/2" not much sign of any stretch yet but prob just jynxed myself sayin that, haha
  3. lefreq

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    harvest time seems ages away for me haha
  4. lefreq

    5 cheesus 5 bubble cheese 1000w 1.2m x 1.2m

    well not much happened in a week really apart from i put a new bulb in today as last one had done about 3 crops, bloke down the grow shop was trying his hardest to sell me a new dual spectrum. but i decided against it as i know it has more blue spectrum in it so makes it better for veg but the...
  5. lefreq

    grafting cuttings to adult plants????????

    i might just give it a whirl and see how many different cheeses i can get on one plant and call it frankenstien cheese haha
  6. lefreq

    Club 600

    hey mr west, DST, your both pretty veteran pot growers have either of you encountered grafting before as in tried it or seen it done?? i just found out about it a couple of days ago and keep having thoughts of multi strain plants lol like a cheese, blue cheese, cheesus , and bubble cheese and...
  7. lefreq

    grafting cuttings to adult plants????????

    yeah that sounds pretty logical. this has quite interested me now! i have a cheesus plant that has 4 main colas so when its finished i could chop and in each of the 4 stems i could insert a different strain for each one so basically 1 plant 4 strains and keep for a mother each time i get a new...
  8. lefreq

    grafting cuttings to adult plants????????

    has anyone tried this and finished a plant? i bet you would have to re-pot loads tho as the pots would be already pretty full before you even start eh?
  9. lefreq

    grafting cuttings to adult plants????????

    i just read some shit about "grafting" where you can attach a cutting to an adult plant, so does this mean you could grow and finish some plants and when they have been chopped you could insert a cutting into the stump and it would take strait to that?? im just thinking imagine what veg growth...
  10. lefreq

    Masters of the Graft, do you like what you see?

    so are you saying you could cut a finished female plant that has fully flowered a few inches above dirt and insert a cutting of same female plant and it will grow from that root ball???????????
  11. lefreq

    my FIRST EVER harvest! Good bud bad bugs! PLEASE HELP ASAP ++++REP

    dont put anything on it smoke or sprays u will just be smoking it just freeze those fuckers to death and smoke there arses!!!
  12. lefreq

    my FIRST EVER harvest! Good bud bad bugs! PLEASE HELP ASAP ++++REP

    just put it all in the freezer for the night then just dry in usual way! thats what i would do anyway
  13. lefreq

    Dr Greenthumbs Sour Diesel Grow Journal & Smoke report

    subbed!! lookin gd bro check my grow out if you get chance im using UB's method also :-)
  14. lefreq

    Club 600

    yeah they are all topped but one was topped with convetional 5th node and rest were uncle bens method at second node in the last pics its front right!!
  15. lefreq

    Club 600

    5 CHEESUS 2 BUBBLE CHEESE! not doin to bad are they lookin forward to the next few weeks havent really given much nutes in veg just some 3.5-3.5-3.5 at half strength for 3 weeks........ hoping there going to suck up all this 30 pounds per 100ml canna boost and bloom nutes and give me a couple of...
  16. lefreq

    Xbox live MW2

    come on boys no HALO???????
  17. lefreq

    5 cheesus 5 bubble cheese 1000w 1.2m x 1.2m

    ahh never gutted for you 3eyes, yeah im pretty pleased with how even the canopy is i put it down to uncle bens topping method all accept 1 has 4 eaqual main colas one is a bit wild which is what most my plants have been like untill i tried UB's method.. i switched to 12/12 on thursday so 4 days...
  18. lefreq

    Club 600

  19. lefreq

    5 cheesus 5 bubble cheese 1000w 1.2m x 1.2m

    and just a lil canopy one
  20. lefreq

    5 cheesus 5 bubble cheese 1000w 1.2m x 1.2m

    right a couple of days ago i took the bottom 5th or growth of all plants and removed most of the big shade leaves heres a lil side view. ....