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  1. DoeEyed

    MANS BEST FRIEND-shoff your dog.

    Here's my two Rat Terriers, Pooka and Tater Tot. They may not have big teeth, but nothing alive is getting up to my house without me knowing, and I always have my bow. Scary, aren't they...:mrgreen:
  2. DoeEyed

    who likes full melt hash?

    Looks great! I got a question for ya - I'll be making hash for the first time ever, if my first three plants finish flowering in this century. I'm kind of torn between the Gumby hash method, and buying the bubble bags and doing it that way. The whole reason I was considering them is because I...
  3. DoeEyed


    Looks like a hermie to me, to be sure I would take it out from under the HPS light and get another pic, under normal light, it will be easier for us to see.
  4. DoeEyed

    Help a riu member out please

    when did you top her? I did mine right at three weeks, and they responded within 24 hours. But if she was too young - probably longer. I can't say for certain - she may have gotten over it already, and just needs to be fed. Your temps - If they are staying around 80-82 it is a bit high, but...
  5. DoeEyed

    want a 2nd light/area suggestions please!

    Eveyone pretty much does their veg light according to what works best for them - thus the many different opinions. So the question is, what will work best for you? Sounds like your budget isn't really an issue, so pretty much anything goes? What about heat in your vegging room? You know, I'm...
  6. DoeEyed

    Help a riu member out please

    I mix in the drop of Superthrive for every one of my waterings, no problems with that. You can mix the nutes in too - as well as molassas, if you go that route - but don't feed nutes every single watering, especially not at first. Better to work her up to a higher dose, than to give too much and...
  7. DoeEyed

    is this ph tester any good?

    I don't see the pic or a link?:peace:
  8. DoeEyed


    Yes, so again, what exactly are you wanting to accomplish?
  9. DoeEyed

    Help a riu member out please

    Don't give up on her just yet. Aside from being a little small, she looks healthy. Almost three weeks old - I would start some mild vegging nutes, do you have any yet? Some folks don't recommend it but I've had good results in veg with MG All Purpose Plant Food at half strength, never burned my...
  10. DoeEyed


    Why are you wanting to prune your plant? Generally speaking, cutting off your fan leaves is a bad thing. They are your plant's food pantry, so to speak.
  11. DoeEyed

    First Veg Room

    Maybe just for the two mothers, but you'll want to give yourself a bit more space than that for 20 vegging plants.:peace:
  12. DoeEyed

    Light question

    If budget isn't an issue, then your best bet would be a 400w HPS light. You can get one at HTG Supply for $120.00 plus shipping, and for a little extra they will ship an MH lamp with it, for vegging. ( )This will also ensure you have enough light without spending more money...
  13. DoeEyed

    Need help on Bulb Choice

    I would try your MH lamp for a bit, even only for a few days if time is worrying you - and see how it does. If they don't respond the way you want, then try the other lamp, and see if it does better. Trying it this way you should know within a week, which one will work best for you.:peace:
  14. DoeEyed

    Help a riu member out please

    [If you topped it too early that may be part of the problem. How close are you keeping those CFL's, what wattage are they? Under 42w should be no more than an inch or two away from the plant, not enough light will also slow your grow down.
  15. DoeEyed

    Ordering from Attitude
  16. DoeEyed

    Round Three: GHS Trainwreck

    Thanks!:mrgreen: They do a good job vegging - I check them a few times per day, keep the lights within an inch of the plants.:peace:
  17. DoeEyed

    Ordering from Attitude

    Unless it's your live in partner, then no, I wouldn't tell. If you had a falling out and they knew what's up you would be screwed. Just be sure to put a stout lock on the grow, or on your room, so no one wanders in and "finds" it by "accident".
  18. DoeEyed

    6 weeks old no sign of sex is that normal

    If she's still in veg that's perfectly normal. My first three plants vegged for two months before one of them showed sex, and it took an additional five days into flowering to show the others. Leave the small growth alone! If it's a girl, that is where your buds will form.:peace:
  19. DoeEyed

    Ordering from Attitude

    On the prepaid ones you can, you have to go on-line and register the card. But you risk not getting your seeds delivered, if the mailman decides that name doesn't belong at your address.
  20. DoeEyed

    what is going on with my sativa?

    Agreed. She won't finish before winter comes. If for some reason you can't bring her indoors, at least try to find something to cover her with, will help hold in the heat and help her resist freezing.:peace: