Okay, never really did that much. I will get her looking sideways tomorrow.
Better to supercrop before lights out or at the beginning of the photoperiod?
No I haven't Although I have considered doing before but cared to much for the plant. this however is just for fun so why not?
It'll be sweet if I can get it to hold something.
Yeah, not sure they do that anymore.
But I know some one with one, I might see if I can borrow it to setup a good grow for him init. I will post pictures if he lets me bring it home.
A usual plant people put in a phototron to start.
A plant trimmed using the Phototron pruning method
That plant is huge now, I stopped pruning before flower, next time I may prune into flower a week.
Clone has roots, still having trouble getting established.
Seedling, was too far from light and stretched but now is hugging a floro so it should be fine.
other beans still haven't popped.