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  1. A

    Keep it Simple

    I see your point because there can be complications with aerogardens. One in particular is that the bigger your gorgeous plants grow the more you need to make sure the pump stays running. Because roots will grow in there and shut it down. I have a friend who lost his magnificent white widow that...
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    Purp Vs White Widow

    I'm a new aerogarden grower. I was growing three white widows and one purp. All were growing fine, as bushy as could be. Then I noticed today that my purp had died. I cut off all the wilted leaves and what's left is just a stalk. Why did my purp die? I was giving the plants three large tablets...
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    Keep it Simple

    Sounds complicated. If you're just growing for personal use, why not just keep it simple? That's the real beauty of the Aerogarden. If you have no experence, that's where you should start rather than face the complexities of hydroponics.
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    Keep it Simple

    So are you saying that you really and truly don't like Aerogardens and you're not just saying that to impress your wife who's causing you to experience greater satisfaction in life right now?
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    Keep it Simple

    No, no, no. I have no interest in selling Aerogardens. It's just that it was such a chore for me going through all the convoluted Aerogarden instructions in the threads and trying to fathom all the extra shopping trips I'd need to make before I was finally ready to grow marijuana. I only want...
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    Keep it Simple

    If you want to grow herb in an Aerogarden then keep it simple. Just follow the Aerogarden instructions as you would for any other plant. Germinate the seeds inside the pods rather than germinating in water or wet towels. This saves needless steps. Start out by the window with an oscillating fan...