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  1. lonleysmoka

    First Grow Journal This is a good thread on cloning
  2. lonleysmoka

    Wonder's Medical Grow: Purple Widow, Wonder Woman, 1000W hps PICS!

    I would think you could set up your drip system just fine. For a week or two I would check all the plants and see how they are doing on the drip system....a note book is vital to keep valuable information like this....any plants that show signs of underwatering just make sure to give them a...
  3. lonleysmoka

    HOw much can a400 YIELD ...need ur OPIONION

    Sorry I should of been more specific. 400w for veg is nice thats what I use. If you can get a separate room with 950w (guessing that is a combination of lights??) I would do that. For optimal growth I would say a MH for the veg and a HPS or combo for the 950.... makes sense?
  4. lonleysmoka

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I agree I just wanted an experienced growers opinion. Yea, ingredients are on the bag it says it has it in it....
  5. lonleysmoka

    Sensi Star growing

    not a problem with me Im just here to learn some good stuff. Do what you have to do to stay happy thats the way I see it.:blsmoke:
  6. lonleysmoka

    Sensi Star growing

    Guys on my last big update Plant Problems if you look close to pic 17 leaf is starting to get a white spot on it almost indicating that the light is to close... its about 11" and the temps at the very hottest get up to 80. This has happened to other plants. Could it be from major nute...
  7. lonleysmoka

    Sensi Star growing

    Oh please do please do!
  8. lonleysmoka

    Coco Growers Unite!

    So guys I ahve been meaning to ask is this a coco medium..... or does it just have coco in it???
  9. lonleysmoka

    Bud candy!!!

    Dont know to much about it but I dont think it actually changes the flavor if anything it helps the plant enhance its own flavor. I think with the right drying and curing flavor is there. Dont get me wrong like I said I believe it enhances the flavor....
  10. lonleysmoka

    Yellow, brown spots on older leaves, seems to be spreading to newer leaves

    could be a ph problem... knowing the pH of soil is huge since there are specific ranges that nutes grow in best here check this out......sorry its geared towards soil less mix which I use..... Hydro and Soil less Mediums Nitrogen gets locked out of Hydro, Soil less mediums at the levels of...
  11. lonleysmoka

    HOw much can a400 YIELD ...need ur OPIONION

    here are some 400w grows. Oh and your question about a 1000w or another 400w.... Shoot with a 1000w you could yield up to twice as much maybe more if you do things right.
  12. lonleysmoka

    Sensi Star growing

    Those sound like some fire combination's there. Did you see the nice little smoke report I had on some Sensi Star mm mmm good. Its in the last few pages.....
  13. lonleysmoka

    Wonder's Medical Grow: Purple Widow, Wonder Woman, 1000W hps PICS!

    I tried to figure that question out too. Seems that everyone has the same answer which makes a lot of sense. Every plant is different and the needs of water may be different. My mendo purp drinks water compared to the Sensi Stars.....
  14. lonleysmoka

    My shopping list, with a couple of q's!

    Just a heads up from another 1st time grower.. Tom knows what he is talking about he helps me out too in my thread Good Luck with all of your growing. here is a link to some really inexpensive nutes all organic too.------>
  15. lonleysmoka

    Bubblicious Girl. How Does She Look?

    how are the girls doing?? Pic update?? :-)
  16. lonleysmoka

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S 2009 Outdoor

    How I can only imagine!
  17. lonleysmoka

    Sensi Star growing

    I am really excited about the 4 SS ladies I have going now. Especially if you say that it was an abused batch! I could see this smoke get better with more cure time smells like it can!
  18. lonleysmoka

    White Rhino x El Niño 400W grow

    Oh how I wish I could get my hands on those buds!!! Great job there BR. pics like those keep my super excited about growing!
  19. lonleysmoka


    Oh how I can just smell the potency of that girls mmm mmm good. I finally tried some Sensi Star I left a little report on it check it out sometime....
  20. lonleysmoka

    Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, Critical Sensi Star Grow

    They have to leave their name for you to know (well as far as I know)