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  1. Solo0420

    Is there a way to slow growth?

    Ok i got alot going on here one i tried fimming way to early and cut to high my question is after they recover from this can i just topp this old retarded growth and still grow them out just plain out ugly these are just bag seeds my ones from nirvana wont go threw these mistakes i also gave...
  2. Solo0420

    What's your all time favourite movie?

    Some pretty good movies in here, but we cant forget about Boondock Saints!!! Bad ass movie
  3. Solo0420

    Couple of questions. Please help newbie

    I wouldn't worry about it to much keep a eye on them let them grow out the bright green is healthy new growth this is a good sign takes some pictuers and im sure someone can add to it
  4. Solo0420

    Just a little help pls.

    Thanks, yeah im always jumping the gun need more time under my belt the older ones are just bag seeds for practice and for what not to do with the little ones from nirvana plus i still have some waiting to pop im definitely going to wait a little longer to fimm
  5. Solo0420

    Just a little help pls.

    So i fimmed some of these the other day and i think i messed up didnt really know that you could mess it up. And they seem to be locked up in my opinion. But thats why im asking, not much growth going on in the last cpl days maybe im just being me and being hard and impatient. That and i really...
  6. Solo0420

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    This is starting to look bad, i topped the bigger 4 the other day think i messed it up didnt know you coukd mess it up then, they seem to be locked up really no growth the last two days plz help lol my my my
  7. Solo0420

    Are my babies ready for first feed?? Pictures included

    I usually wait untill they get there first set of five or seven but even then i go lighter than the manufacturer instructions
  8. Solo0420

    First SCROG Grow, looking for help from the forum

    Hey bro plants looking good what kind of set up is that is it a dripper?
  9. Solo0420

    Guess the final weight!

    Cool i never used ether just brown paper bags and jars but it seems to take forever to cure and im no pushover when it comes to curing ill wait it out while the wife crys and says but baby were almost out of smoke well tuff shit im not breaking it out if uts not smelling like that gas bro
  10. Solo0420

    Unexpected guest's coming over!! What woud you do

    Yeah i can dig it she was telling me the same thing and ive been cloning and its been none stop since last year flowering and vegging i just didnt want to toss my girls but i think its a good idea to just finish this one shut it down for a few get the new place and build a nice room, im kinda...
  11. Solo0420

    Guess the final weight!

    Helps with moisture i take it ?
  12. Solo0420

    Unexpected guest's coming over!! What woud you do

    Yeah kinda regreating the tent option right now i mean ive hinted towards it to them befor and they just like you said rolled there eyes and was like i dont think it would be a very wise choice lmao they know we smoke and really dont interfere with most of our decisions
  13. Solo0420

    Unexpected guest's coming over!! What woud you do

    Hahaha the mold gives the bud that extra kick gives my lungs that power punch and i can say i grow that gas bro lmao, i usually keep my plants around 2 or 3 feet i wanted the tent to be tall for me to move around better, and its not like they like me because i know he cant stand me mom dukes on...
  14. Solo0420

    Guess the final weight!

    Guess i should have kept scrolling and i would have seen it was totaled up already hahaha
  15. Solo0420

    Guess the final weight!

    Whats the packs in the jar? But my guess is just over half pound
  16. Solo0420

    Unexpected guest's coming over!! What woud you do

    I know there going to ask wtf is that for when the walk into my kitchen was thinking of saying im building a sauna hahaha or maybe a dog pen for my lovley pit bull was also thinking of saying it's for vegetables and maybe i should start a veg garden while im here atleast ill have a ligit reason...