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  1. mattso101

    Canadian Growers PIctures

    Here are mine again 5 weeks flowering. pics were taken exactly one week ago. Buds have swelled up alot. going to harvest oct 4 I am pretty sure. That will be 9 weeks from the first sign of flowering. I would like to go longer but We have already had a frost Yield estimates anyone? I have no...
  2. mattso101

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    hash is aways a good idea am or pm, and whats so wrong with a 9am nap anyway? that just mean you can wake and bake again
  3. mattso101

    Mattso's La Confidential Grow

    They range from 4-7 feet tall.
  4. mattso101

    Mattso's La Confidential Grow

    I went up to check on my outdoor plant. and the bud have really fattened up big time
  5. mattso101

    Canadian Growers PIctures

    Here are mine growing north of th city. looking pretty good eh? The are all LA Confidential. planted june 1st. These pictures were taken last weekend. I have them growing on a island on the edge of a swamp. I build a raised garden bed for them they stink
  6. mattso101

    Mattso's La Confidential Grow

    3 years...........
  7. mattso101

    Need to know how much longer

    Two to three more weeks fore sure.
  8. mattso101

    Trichs: how long until...

    I think its more of a lighting issue. it need lots of direct sunlight. also the dark cycles need to be just that DARK very dark if there is light on it at all during the night period it will slow flower growth and also slow maturation
  9. mattso101

    Final Dayz <pics>

    flush them and let them go 2 more weeks. it will pay off trust me. it look great man nice and frost. I fyou let it got two more week they wil get even more frosty and even pack on a bit more wieght for sure. Wouldnt you like heavey potent buds? you have waited this long what two more week?
  10. mattso101

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I just woke up and got stoned
  11. mattso101

    10-13 foot plant problems (pics)

    I bet you will get apound or more!! lots of weed for you man!!
  12. mattso101

    10-13 foot plant problems (pics)

    Hey man those look real good. As everyone said its normal and they are fine! Harvest them at least the second week of october. if you can let them go a bit longer with no frost than do so. I have some outdoors going north of toton to and I will harvest 1st or 2nd week of oct. good work Both...
  13. mattso101

    Mattso's La Confidential Grow

    Here are some more shot of my LA confidential outdoor plants this year Look at the wasp in the first pic. he got sucked in by those monsters. Thats what he gets for trying to steal thier nector
  14. mattso101

    Medical Grow in dorm? Legal?

    I am sure its againt school policies! read your student hand book. It will state very clearly that no illegal substances are allowed your dorm room. I know it medical but its still illegal under federal law so your pretty much fucked! But I bet a fellow student steals it befor anyone els finds out
  15. mattso101

    PICS. Should i give another feeding before i flush? HELP!

    I say start flushing now! and harvest in two week at least! 3 if you can wait. buds look real nice man
  16. mattso101


  17. mattso101


    it wont hurt at. you will just be drying your buds with shammies under them thats all. You will get the same result with a porno mag or hightimes or anything els you put under them.......nothing will happen nothing good and nothing bad just nothing
  18. mattso101


    There is no thc in the stem. THC is only produced in the trichoms. these are the white looking crystals you see on the buds. THC thrics can grow "on"the strm but NO thc is produced "in" the stem at all. So no it cant be pulled out of the stem using shammies
  19. mattso101


    There is no THC in the stem. and it cant get sucked out
  20. mattso101

    Mattso's La Confidential Grow

    Some people say 8 weeks but 9 is much better