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  1. rollinbud

    Keep It Real
  2. rollinbud

    Keep It Real

    Why do these white guys try to sound like the nigga rappers, what a bunch of punk ass "Wiggers".... Screw Obama in 2012!
  3. rollinbud

    humidity temps

    I try to keep my humidity above 40 and temps no colder than mid 60's. I shoot for about a 10-15 degree difference. The main thing is for it not to fluctuate a lot and stress the plant.
  4. rollinbud

    First Grow!! Very strange.

    A week between waterings? No frickin way dude... I water every day and sometimes 2x a day, but I dont flood mine either... All that feast famin with watering is putting stress on your plants....
  5. rollinbud

    fertilizing the plant

    Rule number one, DON'T overfertilize. I mix my 20-20-20 about half strength with water and give it a little shot every other week. I dont pour on leaves but you could. I supplement mine with a little epsom salts, no more than 1 tbsp./ per gallon and no more than one feeding a month. Your...
  6. rollinbud

    First Grow using CFL's

    Is this a Hermie? I find no seeds at all? Check upper right of picture
  7. rollinbud

    Refrigerator Grow

    lol I looked right at it before and missed it.... Stoner
  8. rollinbud

    First Grow using CFL's

    Its an older Nikon Digital Coolpix with a 2x lens and an old lens off my old 35mm turned around backwards. Like this: Only I bought an adapter instead of the ghetto way... Whatever works.
  9. rollinbud

    Mighty Grow in Jackson

    never heard of it. I dont live too far from Jackson, Tx what street is it on?
  10. rollinbud

    Is my plant infected PLEASE HELP !

    Cant tell for sure. Look for tiny red or dark spots on under side of leaves. You may have to get mag. glass, if they move you've got spider mites. Sometimes you can shake underside of leaf on white paper and you can see them good after they fall off plant.
  11. rollinbud

    Quick fix synthetic urine

    Yes I know people that use it regularly, dont know what brand or anything, sorry.
  12. rollinbud

    Veg time 24/0 vs 18/6?

    If there was an opverwhelming case to be made for 24/7 one would think you would be reading about it all the time by Professional growers.
  13. rollinbud

    Refrigerator Grow

    Got a link Daniel?
  14. rollinbud

    Refrigerator Grow

    Here's my fridge grow: You can see heat thermostat hanging center bottom, A/C thermostat upper right... Heating pad let it get down to 62's with lights off on Med. so I turned to high. Outside temp was about 47. Lights came on before I could see if it helped enough.. I am shooting for mid 70's...
  15. rollinbud

    Refrigerator Grow

    Here's the whole plant FWIW:
  16. rollinbud

    Refrigerator Grow

    I have an Afghan Special from KCBRAINS if it helps:
  17. rollinbud

    C02 enrichment

    I dont smell anything, btw unless you have a sealed air growing room this will be a waste of time. If you are putting fresh air in with a fan or your room is open to house you just wont do any good.
  18. rollinbud

    Alyssa Bustamante 15 year old kills 9 year old neighbor. Sentencing going on now.

    Nothing wrong with news link, I say let her swing, no excuse for what she did. Planet already overcrowded time to prune the gene pool.
  19. rollinbud

    C02 enrichment

    I noticed to smell from my yest method... 4 quart bottle, hole in lid 2 qt. warm water 1 cup sugar 1 pkg dry yeast shake shake every day or so and replace every 5-7
  20. rollinbud

    Problems with plants please help diagnose