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  1. G

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    its so beautiful,just amazing!
  2. G

    HPS 150 WATT Femmed Closet Grow

    Seeds are planted,now for the waiting game!!!
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    HPS 150 WATT Femmed Closet Grow

    Ok so heres the details of my grow: I will be using Miracle Grow Organic Choice potting soil,bio-bizz nutes,and fresh water.I will be starting in party cups and transplantinng when ready,vegging 5 weeks then will start to flower.2 of the seeds are random 2 are femmed.Heres some pics of the new...
  4. G

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    a lovely plant!!!i started flowrenig my 6 babies on saturday,i hope ur plant stays healthy
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    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    the clones so pretty, i love it.good job jade
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    Miracle Grow Organic Choice is actually a really good soil.especially for miracle grow.but in general from everything ive read and heard fox farms ocean forest is the best soil to use.but if u wanna save a little money and still get good plants id go with MG Organic Choice its what ive been...
  7. G

    HPS Random Seeds KushX Skunk variations and bubblicious

    Ok so heres some updated pics for u guys to enjoy,hope ya like.PLants r looking great btw!!!ehh ull see for urself haha. 1 2 3 4 5 6 All the Plants together!
  8. G

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    I agree as well what a huge growth spurt,the plant looks beautiful in all phases.and i was also getting worried i thought u disapeared on all of us haha.Well keep up the good work stoner barbie ur doing great
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    HPS Random Seeds KushX Skunk variations and bubblicious

    thanks cali,and yea they r flourishing,u should c how much theyv.e grown since yesterday its awesome
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    HPS Random Seeds KushX Skunk variations and bubblicious

    lol yea,it should def be legal.The politicians are retards,if alchohol is legal why not the less dangerous marijuana right?
  11. G

    HPS Random Seeds KushX Skunk variations and bubblicious

    ok so heres updated pics,i started veg cycle last night. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hope u like the pics,i got the best i could had to remove them from under the hps otherwise the camera looked blurry
  12. G

    ?ok so heres a few strains from that site that i like and thick woul dbe good for u...

    ?ok so heres a few strains from that site that i like and thick woul dbe good for u.
  13. G

    First timer preparation.

    after u give me ur budget i can help u pick out seeds which fit ur price range i have a better site for u and a good deal for u its 5 Feminzed seeds from the best site heres the link to check it out,its 5 random seeds too and every strain they have is wonderful so u always get good shit heres...
  14. G

    First timer preparation.

    Once u get ur seeds u have to germinate them,tkae the seeds ur going to plant and put them in between and wet paper towel and let them sit in the dark overnight and they should show the tap root,when its about a quarter of an inch to half an inch u plant them half inch in the soil with the tap...
  15. G

    First timer preparation.

    yes i will help u out what do u want ot know?i can help u with the whole setup from bottom to top,i can get u reayd to grow like a champ if u want
  16. G

    droopy leaves?

    wats the temps?it might be a heat issue it looks like it to me,wats the temps and humidty?
  17. G


    bottled water is really good.but yes make sure its room temperature cold and hot water will shock the plant and possibly kill it so make sure its just room temperature,got any pics of ur grow?if u have any other questions just let me know and i will help if i can(which i probablly could haha)
  18. G


    yes it does,u always want to water with room temperature water never with water thats too hot or too cold.U also should ph ur water before using it,as in leave it sit out overnight uncovered to let the chemicals in it dissolve
  19. G

    First timer preparation.

    For ur first time I would reccomend Growing indoors,yes its more expensive but its also easier to maintain and u dont gotta worry about ur plants getting stolen as much,but u do have to worry about having the plants in ur possesion.I would reccommend any type of Indica if u want a quicker...
  20. G

    HPS Random Seeds KushX Skunk variations and bubblicious

    yea well they work wonders so if u get a shot give it a try.all the plants are growing wonderfully,bigger and bigger by the hour,will update if i can