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  1. rollingrock

    self ballested mercury vaper light/lamp

    heres a link to some of the bulbs
  2. rollingrock

    self ballested mercury vaper light/lamp

    dont know if this is in the right thred?? what i want to know is if i can use these to grow with just want them for veg stage, i have had a dozen or so given me so thought i would try, if any one has used these please let me know. i have done some googleing and people have used them to good effect.
  3. rollingrock

    My First Grow with UFO LED Light/Hydroponics

    just watched the video, seems impressive, sorry about the pic, will remove it asap, sorry by the way
  4. rollingrock

    need help to wire multiple sockets together

    oops i thought he was on about halogen:wall: looks like i had my wires crossed lol, talking of wires i must sort this cfl wireing out
  5. rollingrock

    need help to wire multiple sockets together

    hey doeEyed, so you sayin yyou can use halogen in flower also???
  6. rollingrock

    Second grow "learn from your mistakes"

    just a quick pic of the top its really thickening with buds know
  7. rollingrock

    need help to wire multiple sockets together

    if you were in veg you could use these as suppliments but about 3 feet away but to be honest i only used these once just for the heat they give out as it was cheaper, what lights have you got????
  8. rollingrock

    need help to wire multiple sockets together

    halogen lights dont have the right spectrum:wall:
  9. rollingrock

    My First Grow with UFO LED Light/Hydroponics

    started flowering already 4 weeks (i think) got a better pic with lights off, SORRY for posting the last pic on your thread didnt think:wall:
  10. rollingrock

    i got a buddy now, the wife said i was a billy no mates, this will show her lol,

    i got a buddy now, the wife said i was a billy no mates, this will show her lol,
  11. rollingrock

    need help to wire multiple sockets together

    not sure i understand you on this one????
  12. rollingrock

    My First Grow with UFO LED Light/Hydroponics

    what up orod, any developements from last time, just had my electric bill today, OMFG £395 for 3 months useage at this rate i might have to sell some bud not what i am growing it for so this little lady will have to be cut and sold to pay for electric, this is why i want to follow your journal...
  13. rollingrock

    Current experiment - 48 hour lighting cycles

    must have been good shit if he still not posting, i'm bored:bigjoint:
  14. rollingrock

    Second grow "learn from your mistakes"

    for nutes i use coco canna a+b 20ml of each in 5 liters of either rain water of tap water, if i use tap water i let it sit for at least 24 hrs to get rid of chlorine then add the coco canna a+b, the reason i use this nute is because in my soil mix i will add about 40% canna fibers, when i move...
  15. rollingrock

    need help to wire multiple sockets together

    is that for the uk or usa ect, just i have 2 sockets i am useing, 2x 600watt hps 1x 400watt oilfilled radiator to keep temp constant and 1x 2000watt convector rad for lights off and a 50 watt fan so thats 3650 watts from 2 sockets on the same circute, and the missus uses her hair dryer 1600...
  16. rollingrock

    What does a 11 leaf marijuana plant tell me.. Help

    now that has to earn me some respect guys:bigjoint:
  17. rollingrock

    What does a 11 leaf marijuana plant tell me.. Help

    here you go, a couple of pics
  18. rollingrock

    What does a 11 leaf marijuana plant tell me.. Help

    hey all i have an elen leaf plant as well, started 12/12 from seed and let it grow, then a week ago i put it back in veg state as i thought it was a odd plant it is in flower but gunna veg for a few months to see what happens and get cuttings
  19. rollingrock

    Where can I...

    go on ebay i got a digi hygrometer for around £10 uk. prob about $12 us
  20. rollingrock

    Second grow "learn from your mistakes"

    for the lights in the clone/vegging room i use a 300watt duel spectrum cfl with built in ballest and 3 58watts daylight strip lights for a fan it is a 6" and there is a vent built in the wall that sucks air out, not gunna bother about extracter as the vent is enough,