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  1. mazand1982

    3 x4 foot Grow Cabinet

    you have the right idea but try to keep as much stuff out of the cabinet as possible (if possible) a huge fan in the top of a 4 foot cabinet is gonna suck when the plants grow more...keep in mind a 3x3x4 cabinet is only 36 cubic feet, u dont need a terribly strong exhaust fan to transfer that...
  2. mazand1982

    3 x4 foot Grow Cabinet

    wow el, thats a huge budget, if your a first time grower id definitely stay away from hydro as it is quite a touchy system, any power or pumps go out or PH level gets outta wack and your toast (and way fuckin pissed,lol) definitely run a soil grow, its much more forgiving and...
  3. mazand1982

    3 x4 foot Grow Cabinet

    i might have just the advice you need my friend, id be willing to give u advice, i have a cabinet even smaller than that and i can run 3-4 plants in it, super healthy and super beautiful, i have tips on venting, temps, lightproofing,lights, anything, im no guru but ill give whatever advice i...
  4. mazand1982

    I Really Need Help Fast from RIU

    have u tried to flush the shit out of them, just let the water run and run and run, get more lights and dont feed again until the pots are light and airy, i can almost guarantee you they will come back....dont ever ever use MG again my friend, i dont see why people do it, dont they read forums???
  5. mazand1982

    What Do You Think I Will Get?

    these are what my current grow look like, but if i had the same heighth as you i wouldnt mind a tiiiiiny bit more stretching for light penetration....
  6. mazand1982

    Lifetime for a Hps Bulb ?

    i had that same exact problem after i inadvertantly knocked the hood once, i called HTG supply and they took the bulb back, i couldnt stand waiting for the timer to turn so i can help get it started,lol...
  7. mazand1982

    Pop Corn Bud - Encouraging Growth?

    for any type of realistic answer for a question like this you have to be more specific my friend...soil/hydro? CFL/HPS? humidity/ temp?...PICTURESSSSSSSSSSSSSS?
  8. mazand1982

    What Do You Think I Will Get?

    they look good bro, they are a little too lanky for me but thats because my cabinet doesnt have as much heighth as a room does, but they still look very green and healthy so depending on how tall they are id say about 2 ounces off each, you never know though...
  9. mazand1982

    Quick Lighting Question

    since you can grow clones AND veg both under 24/0 or 18/6 its not the end of the world but its better if it doesnt leak any at all...think of a easy diy way to stop the light, remember, light cant travel around corners so try to think some typr of barrier up...good luck
  10. mazand1982

    Cfl Grow Lights vs Hps. Help Please

    lince is right, CFLs have very very weal penetration, the light will heat one fan leaf and freeze up right there, HPS will penetrate the foliage and deliver more light, its like the old saying...more money, more problems.....hps is hotter but ,....more effecient light more problems,lol...if u...
  11. mazand1982

    Grapefruit Haze/Rocklock 400 watt Cabinet Grow

    UPDATE: day 5 of flower may 30 Ok, so these plants are doing sooo good i had to post some pics, they are right at the point where they are starting to stretch hard but its working to my favor and they are all doing what i envisioned, they will fill in and stop stretching at a perfect heighth...
  12. mazand1982

    Grapefruit Haze/Rocklock 400 watt Cabinet Grow

    yea paully, all with the one 400 watter...
  13. mazand1982

    How to Build a Veg Light for Cheap?

    up to 8 cfl bulbs, y splitters, 99 cent turkey pan, hot glue, some wire and like 20 bucks clones i buy from the store grow amazingly fast under this.,..i use 6 - 27 watt- 6500 kelvin lights under here but you can use more y splitters and lights if u want...this works the bomb for me...
  14. mazand1982

    Lighting Question!

    when your friend says its gonna "burn" them he probably doesnt ;literally mean burn from the heat, ofcourse the main thing is the heat but for the most part burn just means too much energy period, that little micron thick leaf and stem structure cant necessarily handle that strong of a light...
  15. mazand1982

    Please Someone Helps with Some Advice

    thanks max, im kinda proud of myself bro,lol...its like a self contained little cabinet, it even vents all the heat,odor and stale air right outside the second story window, it was the bomb when it was in the garage but much louder, i brought it upstairs and attached the ducting and its almost...
  16. mazand1982

    Please Someone Helps with Some Advice

    hey team riu, so i am about to order a couple seeds from attitude and i was curious if anyone ever had any experience with "wembley feminized" from pyramid seeds company, they also give u a free UFO#1 homegrown fantaseeds SPR haze seed for ordering... now my dilemma is that i am a legal grower...
  17. mazand1982

    Newbie Indoor Question!

    im always up to help a new grower and id love to give u all the info you need, problem is, your so new to the scene that i can tell from your questions that you should definitely do tons of research first...their is alot of good videos on youtube, there is step by step guides on here how to...
  18. mazand1982

    Plant Issues

    i dunno what kind of soil your using but ill tell you this , new growers ALWAYS break this very simple rule, keep it simple. why everyone wants to nute tiny little plants ill never know but they dont need it. i use fox farm ocean forest and that particular soil has enough nutes just in the mix...
  19. mazand1982

    Ok, So My Dream Setup was a Nightmare. Time for Plan F

    to be completely honest you CAN grow with temps of 90, i know everyone acts like its the worst thing in the world you can do but i had to move my grow cabinet from the garage (79f w/ lights on) to my bedrooom, (90-91f w/ lights on) and to be completely honest the plants arent acting different in...
  20. mazand1982

    Grapefruit Haze/Rocklock 400 watt Cabinet Grow

    SUP TEAM RIU, thanks for all the comments guys, the 3 pack is doing magnificent IMO, now that i went 12/12 they are climbing for the sky like no ones business, wow...ill post some pics in a few days,... IN THE MEANTIME, id like to mix it up a little and post some music, i personally cant stand...