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  1. Baz

    Repotted it lost a few roots (pics)

    Oh and it was watered thurs and i was going to rewater it weds/thurs but the extra soil i used to repot was very moist so i dint water after repotting, should i wait until this new soil drys out before watering it again?
  2. Baz


    i think u will be ok but watch out for rudolff the red eyed reindeer!
  3. Baz

    Repotted it lost a few roots (pics)

  4. Baz

    Repotted it lost a few roots (pics)

    Lol funily enough thats what im about to do right now, just wondering what losing a few roots may do to the plant, prob nothing to worry about, can't believe i have had to repot 8-9 days after its other repot lol
  5. Baz

    Repotted it lost a few roots (pics)

    I just repotted my plant in its final pot as roots were coming through bottom of old pot, I used a long knife to go arround the edge of the pot then carefully tipped the plant upside down n out it came, lost a few roots on very bottom of old pot(see pic 3), anything to worry about ?
  6. Baz

    rootbound? (pic)

    just seems a little quick i only repotted it about 8-9 days ago, if that
  7. Baz

    rootbound? (pic)

    Hi, i repotted my plant about a week and half ago, and have the odd root popping out of bottom of new pot already, is it time to repot or can i leave it a week or so?
  8. Baz

    where can i buy pH buffer solution?

    Ohhh sorry missed that, thanks again
  9. Baz

    where can i buy pH buffer solution?

    Need it to calibrate my pH tester, where will find this pet shop maybe ?
  10. Baz

    How to calibrate this ph tester (pic)

    Thanks for that, i did'nt get any buffer solution with it so i guess ill have to put sorting my pH off for another day! thanks for help ill try buy some from somewere
  11. Baz

    How to calibrate this ph tester (pic)

    anyone at all, someone got 1 of these ph testers
  12. Baz

    Changed my name!!!

    im assuming skins is related to rizlas?
  13. Baz

    How to calibrate this ph tester (pic)

    Anyone give me some advice on how to calibrate this ph tester 1. immerse the electrode in pH 6.86 under the temperature of 25 c standard buffer solution of phosphate, and gently shake electrode 2. regulate the timmer with a screwdriver until the buffer solution value corresponnding to the...
  14. Baz

    What do you think of this pH meter?

    I got the exact same thing (or something very simular) and had some serious issues with it, dont open it! mine read 7.5 in my pot, in my garden, and also the same in pure vinigar! and also its a mess around with sanding the probe n not the tip, i may be wrong, i got mine off ebay too £9.00 and...
  15. Baz

    To All You MG Haters.

    npk 15-30-15
  16. Baz

    old seeds R they good

    i gave mine to my hamster and he opened em all, and also threw em under his waterbottle and germinated em whilst i got high
  17. Baz

    To All You MG Haters.

    well my plant is miricle gro free to this date, and im about to start feeding it this, well build it up gradually, lets all hope i dont kill it!
  18. Baz

    yellowing leaves, possible N deficency?

    i would turn the hob down :P
  19. Baz

    anybody seen leaves like this before

    yea nice looking plant, ignore the idiot!
  20. Baz

    Yellowing Tips

    mine were doing the same its down to overwatering i think, i sorted the watering out and have seen improvements