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  1. Illegal Smile

    Tell Me What You Think The Role Of Your Race In America Is?

    Sociological indicators like crime, poverty, unwed childbirth, welfare dependency etc etc, are very highly correlated to general intelligence. Face it, people who are much below average find it hard to make it in this society. We don't create enough places for them. They used to have the...
  2. Illegal Smile

    No, Not All Of Them, Just One

    This is surprisingly uninformed of you. Do you really think this is how it works or are you being flip? The only place you are even partly right is that he doesn't have to. because the courts don't want to open a can of worms, they are letting him get away with it. He got away with it, I accept...
  3. Illegal Smile

    No, Not All Of Them, Just One

    How do you get so many blatant errors in such a short post? 1. If I were running for president, I would show mine. 2. You may have lost it, but the state where you were born didn't. 3. It has nothing to do with citizenship. Arnold Swarzenegger is a citizen and he can't run for president. Why...
  4. Illegal Smile

    Your Water and PH Control!

    I don't worry about pH at all as long as it stays between 5.5 and 7.2. Some nutrients are more forgiving on pH than others and some do a better job of buffering pH to a steady level than others. I use Humboldt Master A&B and it has been at least 10 days since I have seen a pH that varied from...
  5. Illegal Smile

    first hyro grow

    Too much water, let is get drier a day or two. The drooping is not the prob, don't worry about that, if it gets healthier it will come up.
  6. Illegal Smile

    Question about lighting

    I knocked myself out trying to make cfls work, but all I got was stretched plants and small airy buds. And I'm finding the heat from my 400w hps isn't that much harder to handle than the heat from all those cfls. The yield is double.
  7. Illegal Smile

    Tell Me What You Think The Role Of Your Race In America Is?

    I think the best possible exercise is to ask yourself honestly where you would be coming from if you were the opposite race. I admit I would probably be a black radical. I'm not saying that would be right, but that's probably what I would be.
  8. Illegal Smile

    Poll: Solving The Debt Issue:

    Take the idea that deficit spending and bigger government is good and we should do more of it to the polls and see how it works for you. Democrat politics is based on tricking the stupid voter into believing you are something different than you are. Americans don't want to become like France...
  9. Illegal Smile

    Poll: Solving The Debt Issue:

    But it wasn't a recovery. It was the government putting people on a payroll. Only ww2 began the real recovery.
  10. Illegal Smile

    how many plants under a 400 WATT HPS

    I grow 6 plants in two dwc reservoirs with 6 gal of water each. 2 gal water for each plant. I veg them to about 5 inches then flower. I grow northern lights. Plants grow to about 3 ft. I don't trim or anything. This is under a 400w hps. I get a pound per grow which is a little over 2.5 oz per...
  11. Illegal Smile

    No, Not All Of Them, Just One

    >Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth &#8211; Not released - ACTUALLY, IT'S BEEN RELEASED. THERE'S PICS OF IT ONLINE, TOP REPUBLICANS HAVE SEEN IT WITH THEIR OWN EYES....< You don't seem to understand this subject well enough to discuss it. You don't understand the difference...
  12. Illegal Smile

    Poll: Solving The Debt Issue:

    The depression was lengthened, not shortened, by the new deal. If shutting off the flow of deficit spending takes a backseat, any recovery will be brief and illusory. Crushing inflation is coming. Frankly, I see a double dip coming.
  13. Illegal Smile

    The Latest Bullshit Out Of Indiana

    When the government prints money without the real wealth behind it as they are doing at light speed these days, it has to be paid for sooner or later. The way it is paid through is via inflation. There is more money underlying the same real wealth, so all the money is worth less. When you are a...
  14. Illegal Smile

    No, Not All Of Them, Just One

    There is an alarming degree of ignorance here on this subject. it has nothing to do with citizenship. Of course he is a citizen, so is Arnold Schwartzenegger but he can't run for president. because he is not a natural born citizen. The only document that can prove that is the long form birth...
  15. Illegal Smile

    Poll: Solving The Debt Issue:

    We should be electing representatives who make tough decisions on where to cut spending and whether to raise taxes. But we let them off the hook. We let them just print money instead of cutting spending and so they can say they voted for tax cuts. It is unsustainable and we are going to get...
  16. Illegal Smile

    Tell Me What You Think The Role Of Your Race In America Is?

    If I were black I would think like you. But I'm not and I don't. Easy for me to say perhaps, but I think there is way too much focus on race and I think many black "leaders" benefit personally from keeping it that way. I try not to notice race and frankly, y'all seem to be trying to make that...
  17. Illegal Smile

    Add back just water or nutes and water?

    People go both ways. There's nothing wrong with bumping up the nutes mid week.
  18. Illegal Smile

    Quick and easy light question??

    The good thing about hps is that it penetrates well. I think you would be better off with one 250 or 400w hps overhead in a bat wing reflector. Your biggest problem might be heat, plan ahead for that.
  19. Illegal Smile

    Michigan to cut unemployment benefits while unemployment is over 10%

    Paying more and more people more and more money for more and more time to be unemployed, doesn't seem like a good way to lower unemployment. Yet that's what we do.
  20. Illegal Smile

    Poll: Solving The Debt Issue:

    Here's a crazy idea - how about making the federal government produce a balanced budget like states have to. Let congress deal with the budget as a revenue problem (raise taxes) or a spending problem (lower spending). But we need to STOP letting them kick the can down the road by simply spending...