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  1. ru4r34l

    Why does God care if I masturbate?

    Comedian in disguise... regards,
  2. ru4r34l

    Greenleaf Medicinal product recall

    I like the way you think. I also like your response! For me LP stands for "Local Producer" meaning ME, ME, ME. I'm know my specific needs will be met. I don't fault LP's as they are filling a much needed space in our current medical system and it's not there fault the system is wrapped in red...
  3. ru4r34l

    grow box heated up to 104F for aprx 6hours with exaust fan off

    GreenThumbs you are not, GreenThumbsMcGee :bigjoint: Better luck next time. regards,
  4. ru4r34l

    Greenleaf Medicinal product recall

    Usually your post are spot on but I don't think you really believe (your text in the coloured highlight above). Actually I agree with the red, not the yellow, and the green just seems like your taking this on a very personal level. regards,
  5. ru4r34l

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    Read the thread, it is over; (s)he has done their time and all has been taken care of. regards,
  6. ru4r34l

    List of LP's in Canada for MMPR and Reviews by Patiants

    I'm NOT sick, I have had successful lens replaced in both eyes, and continue to have migraines which my doctor said SHOULD be treated with "common" prescription for migraine relief; but not over the counter medications? Like you, I have and will continually "BREAK THE LAW" for the benefit of my...
  7. ru4r34l

    Greenleaf Medicinal product recall

    Nope, I mean the prices will definitely increase, and the quality will decrease; but I think everyone know this. Health Canada I suspect will only be watching this "NEW INDUSTRY" for a limited time, after that I expect to see inspections falter, with individuals health at risk. regards,
  8. ru4r34l

    Greenleaf Medicinal product recall

    Maybe these prices will stand initially, but I will not hold my breath for these prices to be around once the doors swing fully open. regards,
  9. ru4r34l

    List of LP's in Canada for MMPR and Reviews by Patiants

    Folks, it's been a money grab since around 1930 in Canada, right up to present day Harper madness for more money and more prisons. regards,
  10. ru4r34l

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Happy Easter 420. Up early with the kids, easter eggs, and some honey oil out of the MFLB, it's gonna be a GREAT Easter 420 regards,
  11. ru4r34l

    Stoopid Vape Question

    This is one of the most sound statements I have read, and agree with 100%. I have never been as high with any of my VAPOR devices as I have been using a SMOKING device. But since vaping I really only smoke a few times a month. regards,
  12. ru4r34l

    Isolating Pure CBD.

    The plant has many compounds for a good reason, manipulating it to garner the use of 1 is a truly bad idea baked on the wonderful manifesto that SCIENCE trumps NATURE. Spice was not really made up of with the same JWH compound, JWH-018 and JWH-073 are not the same monster. regards,
  13. ru4r34l


    Switched from rice, processed pasta's and other grains for Quinoa for about 5 years now and never going back. regards,
  14. ru4r34l

    Isolating Pure CBD.

    I would never assist in an synthetic cannabis product ever, there is no need on earth to synthesize something that is formed in nature naturally, more harm then good will come from this. Also check out Canasol and Asmasol for NON-synthesized medicine produced directly from the plant we all...
  15. ru4r34l


    No need to post my pic, it's in the avatar! regards,
  16. ru4r34l

    Isolating Pure CBD.

    huh? Wow just wow, that study is a merge of many unrelated materials, the main reference seem to come from Ms Gabrielle deVeber, MD who is the director of the Children's' Stroke program at Sick Kids (Tidbit, I was born at SickKids) and has NEVER attempted a study to link Stroke in adolescents...
  17. ru4r34l


    She's a growing girl and had no food for almost 3 months :cuss: I would start her at 50% of the recommended feeding and watch her for a few days then determine if she could start getting stronger food. I usually feed about 75-85% tops of what's recommended by the manufacturer. regards,
  18. ru4r34l

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Good morning RIU, been up since 5:30 and had a nice balloon from the rise with some Tims (Large Double Double), it's almost 8:30 and about time the MFLB is warmed up. regards,
  19. ru4r34l

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Not morning but I am in my office hitting the MFLB like a champ, regards,
  20. ru4r34l

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I know it's not morning, but I just woke up and vaped some Zeus; very nice. regards,