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  1. mattso101

    RIP Bernie Mac

    darn thats weak. He's a funny dude for real
  2. mattso101


    oh yeah some real blueberry too
  3. mattso101


    yeh big up Durham reigion. I grew up in that area, p-town. Yes there is lots of great herb aroun other than just the regs. I have been getting Kush, Juicyfruit and some real good stuff called Jamaican. the good stuff is a little more pricey $220-$250 an ounce. Got some realnice Juciyfruit...
  4. mattso101

    need nutrients referred

    I use Pure blend pro. Its great stuff
  5. mattso101

    Getting to perpetual...journal

    I follow the lable. 1 tsp per gallon of b'cuzz stimulants along with the Pure blend pro. I am growing in Promix so I feed them almost every time I water. If the plants so show signs of over nute I will back off and give them plain water. But I never had a problem with burning, during veg...
  6. mattso101

    Does anyone have any idea what these are worth? - Marijuana growing forum......................... Not selling oxy's forum.
  7. mattso101

    Getting to perpetual...journal

    hey they man! I just read through your journal Very nice work indeed. Your right C99 is a wicked strain! My brother has two flowering right now at day 39. He say he has to tie them up the buds are so heavy. He only has them under a 400watt, He used a super blue MH Conversion bulb for veg and...
  8. mattso101

    DNA Genetics-Cinderella 99

    hey Honkey, I am using Pure blend Pro nutients.They are great! Botanicare has a full line of really good organic nutrients. THey are a little pricey but well worth it!
  9. mattso101

    Do you like to combine weed and alcohol?

    Dosage is key! I find smoking willi ntensify the effect of booze. eithersmoke heavy and drink a little or drink heavy and toke a little. if I smoke heavy when I am wasted it can somtime lead to some ill efects like the spins
  10. mattso101

    Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

    It very well could!
  11. mattso101

    DNA Genetics-Cinderella 99

    Thanks Honkeytown I cant wait to see how the produce!! Here are my 5 C99 clones I transplanted them and have been feeding them lots of nitrogen. They are growing very nice. I will let them go one more week before flowering.
  12. mattso101

    Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

    yeah lets do it up right here in toronto!! nice to see another one from the city!
  13. mattso101

    Roast of Flava flav

    really I though Kimmel killed it, jeff foxworthy was funny too
  14. mattso101

    what 2 plants make c99

    I am growing it!! if you look back on my journal you will see flowering pics
  15. mattso101

    I'm voting for paris

    all in good fun here man
  16. mattso101

    I'm voting for paris

    Bring a mop!
  17. mattso101

    I'm voting for paris

    They won't mind the clean up they get paid to do it. Actually do it, I think they might like to be paid!
  18. mattso101

    There losing there green .

    get some string and tie them down from the top, bend them over as much as they will yield. they will try to correct them selfs and grow more bushy with more tops
  19. mattso101

    There losing there green .

    Up the nutes give them full strength this will stop the yellowing! they will grow like crazy too
  20. mattso101

    I'm voting for paris

    poor poor Adam, I kinda feel bad for him