I'm voting for paris


Well-Known Member
They won't mind the clean up they get paid to do it. Actually do it, I think they might like to be paid!


Active Member
Pretty witty. Obviously I have overstepped my bounds or something, so my most sincere apologies to anyone I have offended with my statement.


Well-Known Member
And I wouldn't off myself, because some poor son of a bitch has to clean that up.
not if you're conscientious about it. just tie a weight to your feet and drop yourself into the deep, feed the fish instead of the worms. if you can get far enough off shore, you won't have to worry about washing ashore and messing up the beach.


Well-Known Member
All friends here (mostly)... A little prickly at times.........but friends............you &^%$................. :):):):):)


New Member
CNN was yapping about how people say Obama is way too overexposed.


i've been saying this the whole time he's been all over the MSM. they show him too much, and McCain too little. totally unfair. and again, as I said before, it seems like the MSM is conditioning the populations.
I disagree, CNN is definently biased in favor of McCain and of course FOX noise is over the edge with the white house talking points. Only MSNBC gives Obama a fair shake and even there the corporate moguls are trying to make him look bad. BTW, I think Paris is fine, I'd surely not turn her down for a roll in the hay.