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  1. C.Indica

    Prune for no Stress/Weak Growth!

    Alpha, Day 13. Alpha has had her side branches removed, without any slowdowns in vigor or strength. They were removed at each point with a razor blade, before they were more than 1-2mm long. All of this clone's energy has been shifted into Roots, A strong Canopy (Bear Clawing is my fault...
  2. C.Indica

    DR. aMbRa TrYcoMbs***** SuMmEr BUD baKE*******2011*****12/12 gRowiN'

    Looks great, isn't that a little too much light too soon for that little waterfarm? I don't know if anythings growing, but if it's that short, it shouldn't need that much light haha.
  3. C.Indica

    One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

    Yo check out the pruning guide in my signature, it will help you with those marble sized popcorn buds.
  4. C.Indica

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    Hey DST, have you ever had a plant Bear Clawing at the top, while losing leaves from bottom upwards to deficiency?
  5. C.Indica

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    DST, I find it strange that such great looking flower is accented by a stressed leaf, usually when I have girls bear clawing like that, the bud is stunted.
  6. C.Indica

    Prune for no Stress/Weak Growth!

    No not at all, all I'm saying is remove branches when they first appear, rather than when they're 5" long and you decide you don't want them. How you remove branches and top is up to you. I topped once for 5 branches, and then removed all side branches on each branch, resulting in 5 buds. As...
  7. C.Indica

    Nug's 330w CMH grow (5 types of kush)

    Can't believe you don't stock clones and keep your genetics for future grows. Looked great though, what's your mix? It doesn't look like 100% perlite.
  8. C.Indica

    Scroggin W/ CFL's

    Hope it's not schwaggy genetics. If you find any beautiful keepers; Keep your bud, and your phenotype.
  9. C.Indica

    DR. aMbRa TrYcoMbs***** SuMmEr BUD baKE*******2011*****12/12 gRowiN'

    No problem, hope all settles well and the girls pick up regular pace soon enough. Seriously though, I'd probably change the waterfarm water, or at least like 30% of it, daily since there's no air/water flow. Just consider it a good flush, they like that now and again anyways.
  10. C.Indica

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    CG, I'm sure you know this, but just incase.. Plants need to be hardened off when switching between any environment.. This means taking plants from the clone shop's veg room, outdoors to a vehicle, into a new building, and put in your controlled environment, scares the holy piss out of them...
  11. C.Indica

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    DST I'm sorry, but I laughed at my computer screen when I saw it bear clawing. Is it overfertilized? Looks great on the inside though. Jin, holy shit. The girth and bark of those branches astounds me, that's what my girl looks like at the end of her 4 month life, you're on day 14...
  12. C.Indica

    Thursday Night Chop Down!

    Sativas are mega yielders most times. With 4 months of sheer flower power, what else is there to expect? Well I'm fuckin' stoked. Do you have a similar phenotype to Dayzt's waterfarm Monster TD Tree? It's cool to see one on the smaller side after that beast above. & I love your photography...
  13. C.Indica

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    I know you photograph the ladies, was just wondering if you used your own flower for the effect. Grow yourself some orchids, you'll have a blast shooting those. No problem Lordjin, this is one of the most relaxing, low-energy threads I frequent. I simply love your photography, which goes hand...
  14. C.Indica

    Scroggin W/ CFL's

    Hoping for 5.5g dry from my 24oz bottle clone. Here's Alpha on day 13 Lemon Skunk She's more of a Sativa though.. And since I removed all of her branches, she focused on vertical growth maybe. All in all, around 280% stretch on this girl from day 1-15. She's now 7", hope she stays under 12.
  15. C.Indica

    Thursday Night Chop Down!

    Yo stoney, who's the next girl to get knocked down? And how was that TD?
  16. C.Indica

    DR. aMbRa TrYcoMbs***** SuMmEr BUD baKE*******2011*****12/12 gRowiN'

    Amber, your girls are in the darkness, in a nice closed closet, keeping eachother warm as they build stronger roots and drink nice. Think of how much worse it would be with them outside, shivering their tits off, fighting brutal storms and overwatering, as the freeze slowly kills off their...
  17. C.Indica

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    Beautiful vigor, they clearly have a drive for life. Out of curiosity, is the passionflower shot yours as well? Like I guessed, your rear bud is already miles ahead of my entire clone. But that doesn't mean I'm not excited for my own at the same time:leaf: Happy gardening.
  18. C.Indica

    Prune for no Stress/Weak Growth!

    Haha I don't know how this happened, But I wrote something similar a couple months ago.. What a confusion.
  19. C.Indica

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    Jin, My clone is on day 13, yours is on what, 12? Now of course I already know what to expect of your system, but at least chronologically we are on track.
  20. C.Indica

    "Space Pilot 3000" Death to Yancy- Phillips NEW&Improved grow up plan

    How much lighting is your veg tent on?