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  1. G

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    showing sex can take weeks,so be patient hun it will happen :-)
  2. G

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    omg ginormica is huge!!!!so jealous.Ur doing beautifully
  3. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    yup me 2,i wish all 3 did but ehh 1 is good enough
  4. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    only one germed so i planted that one.Bubbles is looking lovely i started floweing her as of yesterday night.Cant wait to find out the sex!!!
  5. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    and also pictures will be updated today diagnosed is here and he took some good pics
  6. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    started germing some bag seed today,im going to flower it with bubbles so ill have 2 plants in flower stage,just incase ones a male ya know.Wish me luck,starting to flower bubbles as soon as the seed germs!
  7. G

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    looks so wonderful!!!ginormica is so big i love it!!!!
  8. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    either way we will both be happy man,HAHA
  9. G

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    yay,i love ur 2 colas they grew in so perfect and fast too!!!
  10. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    I vote for the special kush 1
  11. G

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    looking beautiful hun!!!im going to flower mine soon as well
  12. G

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    so beautiful and big.I jsut posted pics of my baby,i wish she was looking as good as urs im so jealous!!!
  13. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    Ok so heres almost 3 weeks old Beautiful Bubbles!!! Top View of bubbles Close Up u can see the pipe cleaner hehe Top View pretty close!
  14. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    SHE LOOKS WONDERFUL!!!Will get pics asap
  15. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    Thank You.Shes even more beautiful today then she was yesterday,I topped her las tnight will get pics ASAP
  16. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    yea,i wanna grow white widow eventually,after i get enough money ya know what i mean?but yea bubbles is doing great thriving right now i just love to c it!
  17. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    So bubbles is packing on more leaves by the hour!!!LOVING IT!!
  18. G

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    awww so big and beautiful!!!!Im planning on topping my baby in the next few days hopefully growing so lovely im so jealous :-( hahaha.ur plants gonna be AMAZING!
  19. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    yea if i get enough money i will man,i most def will!!!
  20. G

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    yea i only have enough for one plant or i would grow more haha.if this plant goes sucessful though then i plan on buying a HPS a good deal too only 80 bucks wiht shipping!~!150 watt which is decent so yea