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  1. Hoochy

    First DWC build

    Thanks tricka! Grow won't occur for another month. It's still 30+ here in Perth which places my shed at close to 40 degree's Celsius. I'm now in the process of setting up lighting and propagation area. All of which will have pictures also. I have 1x150w and 1x250 HID's, but also have a number...
  2. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread Let me know what you guys think :)
  3. Hoochy

    First DWC build

    I've always been an outdoor grower and with that I have a vast knowledge of growing all types of plants outdoors. However, after a failed attempt at hydroponics many years ago simply due to cost cutting, I thought it was high time to give it another go. I Initially was going to build an...
  4. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Ahh it's rather simple, but looks neat I think. Will post a link once I've got the photo's up
  5. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    room looks good mate. I decided last night I'm going to build my first DWC bubbleponic system. I went out and purchased all the bits today and built it this arvo. Just uploading photo's and will post a thread in hydroponic forum
  6. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Buying electrical shit from hydroponic stores is bound to get you ripped off. Buy from an electrical wholesaler and you can cut the price in half. I can get a contactor for about $10 :p
  7. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    A contactor is made up of a coil and contacts. effectively you can switch large amounts of currents with 12v,24v,240v,415v supplies. The coil has no current thus if you used a timer to switch it, the coil would draw all of 100mA. The coil acts as a magnet and pulls the contactor in. The...
  8. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I can guarantee you this sorted of timer is readily available off the shelf at any electrical supplier. In-fact most reticulation places stock whats called a 'pulse' controller. What this does is turns off and on in pulses similar to what your trying to do here. The electrical timer that does...
  9. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    All timers you purchase whether they are hard wired or plug in will be rated to 10A. I recommend the use of a contactor just for the lights at the start up current will generally exceed 10A, and given most appliances come from China these days, it'll likely harm the timer. Other than that you...
  10. Hoochy

    Pot Smoker and Pot Growing Video Game Developer

    Thanks Floyd! Happy smoking brother! Any chance of the app for Iphone4?
  11. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Looks good Haze. By the way guys, I'm a sparky, so if after any advice on electrical, then fire me a PM
  12. Hoochy

    When Leaves Turn Sideways ???

    Haze touched base on frequency. Keep to a routine as Haze suggested. Plants of all types prefer consistency. Same rule applies to lighting as I'm sure your well aware. watering as often as you are is not the reason your leaves are turning sideways or otherwise curling. Generally this is...
  13. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    jzs, you can use what ever you like. It'll be fine :)
  14. Hoochy

    C02 question? multi-stage plants same room

    Actually kepitgrn, there are fantastic cheap Co2 options in form of yeast and sugar which will work wonders in this situation. Plus if the guy wants to try it out and has the spare cash then it'll only benefit his plants and his knowledge.
  15. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Haze, they are not eggs mate. They are a form of midgey pest. When growing outdoors they can get stuck on the resin. They don't really harm the plant, but can attract further more bugs. They can get stuck on the resin and destroy a harvest so pick them all off and treat the plant with a...
  16. Hoochy

    C02 question? multi-stage plants same room

    No need to co2 during veg stage IMO. Many seem to do this and claim great results, but ultimately it's not overly required during the growth period. Running co2 during flowering stage can provide a fantastically increased harvest. In-terms of exact PPM's I'm not of much help, but ultimately it...
  17. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yeah I guess your right lacey. The problem is that I'm a huge outdoor grower. If you want to grow a vegie or any form of plant then there isn't much I don't know about it. Hydroponics is something I attempted to a minor degree and failed. It's not that I wouldn't try it again, but more I find it...
  18. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Haze I agree, I cannot believe the number of people trying to rip tokkers off with undersized bags. In-fact I'm adamant they just get the same size bags and just partially fill them to increase profits. I grow in my shed, but due to the constant 35 degree temps this just isn't viable at the...
  19. Hoochy


    Hi tokkers, I'm chasing an invite for I don't suppose a member of this community knows of them and can throw an invite? I hear they are pretty ideal for getting seeds into Australia, and the route to the country is short in comparison to others