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  1. spiked1

    Snapped my main cola!! Help!

    Superglue is not a good idea, not only is it a carcinogen, it will block the stem so no nutes or water can pass. Best to splint it and tape it up, if it's not completely broken off it will usually recover.
  2. spiked1

    Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!

    It's no great loss, at worst I'm back where I would have been anyway. I'll be harvesting some of my current crop soon, easter weekend is what I'm thinking,(hoping) These pics were taken 1 week ago at 41 days of 12/12, I dosed them with La Femme at 12/12, and again 1 week later after reading...
  3. spiked1

    Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!

    Not good news on my La Femme experiment I'm afraid. Pre-Flowers show 5 Females and 5 males. I've sprayed the 5 males with some more La Femme last weekend and the male balls changed, but no pistols. Tommorow I'm putting the 5 suss plants into my flower room (12/12) and will give them another dose...
  4. spiked1

    54 Days Veg. " Time to start flowering! "

    You water with Perrier, man your plants are spoilt. I hope they repay your kindness.
  5. spiked1

    Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!

    That completely sucks, I've found mould inside some great heads before and I know how it feels.
  6. spiked1

    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    I remember now, I wasn't disagreeing with you as much as you thought, but I am old enough to know that I'm not always right. So I decided to try adding more nitrogen during flower after our discussion and was nicely surprised at the results. So I'm still adding some fish emulsion with my bloom...
  7. spiked1

    no marijuana, just HASH

    Try the search or FAQ's. Plenty of instructional vids on youtube as well. If not, then google is always your best friend.:blsmoke:
  8. spiked1


    On the other hand, if anyone knows a TRUE VEGAN, that doesn't ingest any toxic sustances and eats only organic food, then I think their shit would be some of the best nutes you could ever find.;-)
  9. spiked1


    Hmmm, pretty sure my urine is toxic! Seriously though, I would never use urine, I tried it once on an outdoor grow about 15 years ago, but only on the 1 plant, and that plant was the worst tasting pot I ever smoked. There's plenty of better alternatives.:eyesmoke:
  10. spiked1

    baby kush plants turning yellow

    That pretty much sums up what I was going to say, good advice.:weed:
  11. spiked1

    3 gallon pot......whats a safe height before rootbound?

    That was funny fdd:eyesmoke:
  12. spiked1

    Well look at my plant tell me what i need to do

    No pics to look at bro.:bigjoint:
  13. spiked1

    last 2 weeks question

    NO, don't flush every day, you don't want to drown the roots. Give it a good flush 1 or 2 weeks before harvest, by a good flush I mean 3 times the pot size of water through the soil, then just use water and no nutes, (when it needs watering) for the last 2 weeks. No need to water for the last...
  14. spiked1

    poppys everything you need to know

    Man o man, you have some serious growing up to do dude, best if you start right now, all you do is bitch on other peoples threads, and I don't mean this one alone, it's like every time I see you post.:finger:
  15. spiked1

    Pull up a seat, there's room for everyone

    Hey FDD, looks like a fair amount of perlite in your mix, I normally use 30% but yours look like they have more, how much is too much. Cheers.:weed:
  16. spiked1

    Dynamic lifter

    Sorry mate, but that's total rubbish. Dynamic lifter is organic composted chicken shit with blood and bone. It's brilliant stuff and I even use it on my indoor grows. Your plants will love it. For outdoors I've dug a hole about 30 or 40 cm's deep and poured in kilo or 2. I know it sounds an...
  17. spiked1

    worm castings brewing ? how to make WC compost with only water,WC and mollasses ?

    You don't need to sit the water for a few days, 1 hour in sunlight will remove the chlorine. Don't know why people keep saying to leave it for a few days, that only lets the oxygen evaporate and makes the water stagnent. Better to use it straight from the tap than to leave it for 3 days.;-)
  18. spiked1

    Durban kush, project

    Click on the paper clip at the top of the reply window. Not on quick reply.
  19. spiked1

    10 inch plants going good..TIPS???

    What is the paperclip technique? They are very small and a bit unwell looking for 2 months (severe over watering) What lights are you using?
  20. spiked1

    the Sun vs my hps

    Yeah, It's pretty damn hard to do better than nature.:blsmoke: