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  1. Tw3nti3ight

    Getting seeds to grow

    All, I am having a hell of a time trying to get seeds to grow. I have tried putting them in a cup of water for 24 hours and then inbetween paper towels....or I have just started them in paper towels. Either way, my seeds will split and you can see the white...but thats it....they dont get...
  2. Tw3nti3ight

    Cannabutter 3rd try, help and suggestions welcomed!

    My tolerance for chemi-bud is high which is what this green is i used to make this batch of butter. I am done and its in the fridge. I just took 2 tablespoons of the butter on top. It is now 12:06AM. I am hoping this will get me a buzz...:?:
  3. Tw3nti3ight

    Cannabutter 3rd try, help and suggestions welcomed!

    I am going off of this post....
  4. Tw3nti3ight

    Cannabutter 3rd try, help and suggestions welcomed!

    All, I am on my third try as I write this for making cannabutter:fire:..... First try the butter burned my fault..... Second try I used an ounce of green all ground up and 5 sticks of butter. I melted the butter and then added the green...let it simmer for 30 mins and strained....did not...
  5. Tw3nti3ight

    Cloning questions

    Gotcha, thanks. Appreciate everyone's input. I ask because I have a Durga Mata that isn't sexed yet. I am going to clone it and sex the clones and see...It's beautiful and I dont want to stress it by flowering it and then possibly vegging it again....just a weirdo personal preference. I have a...
  6. Tw3nti3ight

    Cloning questions

    Ok my mother question is this, if you pop a seed and it is vegging and then you were to take lets say two clones, could one turn male and the other turn female if you havent sexed the mother yet or will they both turn the same? I ask because I have some that I am popping from seeds and some I...
  7. Tw3nti3ight

    Cloning questions

    I have a few questions around cloning. First, if you cut clones from a plant in veg state do they still then adhere to the 50/50 chance of being male or female? Or, if say the mother turns either will those cuttings follow suit 100 percent of the time? Also, what is the best way to convert...
  8. Tw3nti3ight

    Was Jesus a stoner?

    Moses did.:peace:
  9. Tw3nti3ight

    Was Jesus a stoner?

    Was Jesus a stoner? There has to be some sort of proof out there, no?:peace: