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  1. I

    The frost show

    Looks pretty killer man. Nice job. I especially like the colors. Is that super soil grown?
  2. I

    no northwest valley meds

    The vapor lounge is kind of in that area as well.
  3. I

    CL Clones

    Starting with clones definitely easier and quicker to get started. Those look pretty healthy should be fun to watch .
  4. I

    The frost show

    Actually it's a very different vibe. Nothing but positivity, I am just as affiliated as any other member. I don't disagree about the flash I just don't think it matter or is necessary to mention other than getting 2 cents in and stroking ur own bravado as a self proclaimed master. Funny thing is...
  5. I

    The frost show

    Hydrobreed does not need policing there are no assholes like you there. :clap:
  6. I

    The frost show

    Blah blah blah. I don't even read ur post anymore.
  7. I

    Club 600

    I got feet in both clubs lol. I do both. This thread is where its at. Best pics and most positive vibes. Thanks for giving me a cool thread to post in.
  8. I

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy,mod=3&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=eye+hortilux+400+watt+hps&hl=en&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS459US459&prmd=imvns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=k3JwULLDF-Hi2QWj_4DoDA&ved=0CDgQsxg&bav=o...
  9. I

    Best weed strains for anxiety?

    Nice let us know what works for ya so others can learn from ur experience.: )
  10. I

    The frost show

    I took those pics with my phone to show people strains look like. Thanks for reminding why I keep my grow journal somewhere else. Nothing but blah blah blah from you why do I even bother with this forum? You know I posted the same pics in three places and this is the only place people...
  11. I

    The frost show

    If the trichs are there then they show up flash or no flash the flash does not show trichs that don't exist .lol . Thanks for your opinion though.
  12. I

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    That harvest was just under six ounces all top buds, 2 ounces of larf.
  13. I

    Worst grow room security ever.......

    Yeah he really had a great system and security lol. Definitely kept him in business.
  14. I

    Input about Phx Shops

    All I know is I have seen beavs bud in person and it's fire. I also never seen him searching for bud from strangers on a public forum. As far as the OP goes i have not seen anything from you other than an endless stream of bullshit and griping, i dont mind the bullshit and the griping but you...
  15. I

    Best weed strains for anxiety?

    Jilly bean is a great strain for anxiety. Nice uplifting ceredral sativa with out the racy paranoia usually associated with such a high. I have made concentrates with this strain and the effects are clearer and more compounded. Def try this one if you are looking for this type of high.
  16. I

    The frost show

    Hahaha. I like the flash it brings contrast and shows trichs best especially when they start to cloud. Nice nug shots. Actually when u take pics with hps the yellow light tends to wash out any contrast. Plus these were taken with my phone. Thanks for the education though maybe one day I can be...
  17. I

    Input about Phx Shops

    If u know so much and are so experienced then why are you trying to get weight from a club? Don't you know any growers?
  18. I

    max yield per plant in SCROG?

    this is the most realistic post in this whole thread excluding what buddha said.
  19. I

    The frost show

    sour OG, more strains to come
  20. I

    The frost show

    pre98 bubba kush