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  1. jadeey

    What's the longest you've gone without burning one?

    Don't get caught up just don't. You can smoke all the shit you want just don't get caught. Me and three friends got caught up today. Everyone but me got a ticket. :(
  2. jadeey

    What's the longest you've gone without burning one?

    Are you in drug consuling ? If you are the answer is spice you burn out quick but it'll get you through drug consuling at least
  3. jadeey

    What's the longest you've gone without burning one?

    It's okay I've made up for lost time lol I haven't been sober fo more than two days after that
  4. jadeey

    What's the longest you've gone without burning one?

    3 months, 3 very long months of drug consuling and peeing in cups
  5. jadeey

    stoned to the point

    You guys ever been stoned to the point where you give somebody weed or forget it or something ? This girl today gave me weed just because she was so damn blown it was great (: it's fun when people give it to you but it sucks when it happens to you.... I almost left a dub on a grassfield once so...
  6. jadeey

    Cool Names

    green crack >.< lame ass weed but good ass name
  7. jadeey

    thanks :) I was here before and had a pic of taylor momsen but I forgot my password and I put up...

    thanks :) I was here before and had a pic of taylor momsen but I forgot my password and I put up a real picture
  8. jadeey

    lol what's that mean ?

    lol what's that mean ?
  9. jadeey

    oh I will I can take joke I was just messing around too . >____< I used to be here for a very...

    oh I will I can take joke I was just messing around too . >____< I used to be here for a very short time but I lost my account password
  10. jadeey

    Jersey Shore and stuff

    You can't NOT watch it it's on all freakin day there's nothing else on so you have to watch it -.- personally I rather be watching ridiculousness it's funny to watch people hurt themselves :clap:
  11. jadeey

    Quick potheads help please !

    Alright, I'm going to buy it I trust you guys. I'll get it monday. I love that weed is used everyday drinking is like only for weekends and celebration but that pot man........ all day everyday. :eyesmoke:
  12. jadeey

    Quick potheads help please !

    lol white widow anybody try it how is it ? Good ? A grahm for 15 is that good ? Just wondering if I should buy or not
  13. jadeey

    So like when you're high right......

    When you're high have you ever tried smoking something other than weed accidently? It happened to me yesterday I had to light my piece with a match but I got confused and put the match in my mouth and tried to smoke it. Anybody else had it happen?