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  1. dirrtyd

    outdoor growing in thailand , need help with nutrient feeding

    Can some one tell me what mollasses does for the soil. Or are there a bunch of sheep herders in this thread. Why did no one mention kelp or alfafa all which will help and would'nt seem suspicious. keepem green dirrtyd
  2. dirrtyd

    Wheezers better late then never 6 outdoor plants

    So in learning can some one tell me why they let the container dry out if using one or the soil for that matter in the ground? dirrtyd
  3. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2012 Organic Soil Mix and Grow

    Why do people let there soil dry out? Interested to hear what people say before I voice my opinion on the subject. Keepem green dirrtyd
  4. dirrtyd

    Wheezers better late then never 6 outdoor plants

    So with this method what would you estimate per bin? It sounds alot like what I do except for the bins but it is easier trimming and if I need to save a plant i can this way. keepem green dirrrtyd
  5. dirrtyd

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    TMb when you come back to the airport I will show you bigger stalks or the same for sure. I still have the big ones from last year. dirrtyd
  6. dirrtyd

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    A few for sure I would say a Minimum two at least on the ones I have that size. dirrtyd
  7. dirrtyd

    moved 2 cali 4 this legal grow. 1st time wit sum monsters

    Hope they dont all finish at once. They are looking nice for sure. Glad mine are going to finsihing at all different times that way I can trim and dry at a good pace. I dont like all amber anyway in all my bud. Let me know for sure how you manage. dirrtyd
  8. dirrtyd

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    Glad DJJ showed me how to make dry ice hash cant wait this year oh my. Going to fill me one jar full will that store well we going to find out then. dirrtyd
  9. dirrtyd

    2012 Cali Medical Outdoor Grow/Garden (Go BIG or go home, Huge girls inside!)

    Hope you guys got good security cause I noticed alot of grafitti on the fences. Good Luck
  10. dirrtyd

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    Well here are some organic gurls . These are my half a unit plants. enjoy dirrtyd
  11. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2012 Organic Soil Mix and Grow

    The Blackwater well into flower have to put in the ground next year grew great in a container. The late entry really growing great had to supercrop her. Then you have the unkown was a gift to me not sure what it is. next the Big Gurls all looking good inside is clean on them major air flow. Then...
  12. dirrtyd

    Outdoor Teas and application Methods

    Bump some of this stuff actually works in this thread. keepem green dirrtyd
  13. dirrtyd

    Bring plants in or what??

    Will they have a fan ? Will they be watered heavily prior to you leaving? Can you put a drip pan under the pot or something to hold water? If yes to the above then you should be okay for a week. Good Luck
  14. dirrtyd

    Bring plants in or what??

    Better safe than sorry. Good Luck
  15. dirrtyd

    hydrated lime

    it is a bad idea for your plants. good luck dirrtyd
  16. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2012 Organic Soil Mix and Grow

    Oh I gave them some Bt and neem oil last night. We will see how they are and how many caterpillars I find. Been switching up between a few things hopefully it will kill off the eggs and they wont hatch. keepem green dirrtyd
  17. dirrtyd

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    looking like a nice variety back there. We may have too have a few trades so it can last till this time next year.Oh heres some bud porn for this year should be done by end of August for sure. dirrtyd
  18. dirrtyd

    How much did you yeild dry per plant outdoors

    Man come get this BG it will give you at least 6 or more. dirrtyd
  19. dirrtyd

    Monster plants!!

    nice you might want start the corn earlier next year.
  20. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2012 Organic Soil Mix and Grow

    Its all that I use you can see the results my mix is in this thread I think I revised it since the first one. It works great as a base for me once I add my things to it . I just use water from my hose or I let it sit in buckets it just depend on how I feel that day. I mostly use buckets to feed...